Should we as Americans care about starving people in Somalia?

I have seen it first hand. I have been to a few that the Army sent me to and some in Central America that I went to of my own volition. I still feel the same way. No one is bound to where they are at. At some point you would think it is more painful to stay than to move on.

There is wild life and game in those areas. Their ancestors eked out a living there. They did not just pop up on the face of the planet there in squalor one day. It has taken them a long time to get to where they are

The gist of how I feel is that they could as individuals help themselves out. They are not being forced to live in those slums and gutters. They could toss the dice and head out into the jungle for some foraging or game. They have options. They are starving to death, so really what do they have to lose by going all man vs. wild?
You are a product of your environment. This could be good or bad. There are people that do not have electricty. No jobs. Little or no education. And ONLY know how to look for a handout. Some are raised in total slums. Disease, famine, extreme violent areas, lack of clean water, and unsanitary conditions are just few of the obsticles that the less unfortunate live with oon a daily basis.

If we here on the ORG were faced with these conditions, I do believe most would call to arms.

It is kind to help. If one chooses not to help, that is their business.

If you believe, then someday you will have to go before the Almighty and explain your good and bad, whys and why nots.
we too are seeing the breakdown of the family in many communities in our country, and unprepared children having children, and young males (who are already lost, misguided) contributing nothing. this process is creating a generation of lesser quality people.

i just hope we can rebound...
And ONLY know how to look for a handout

It is kind to help. If one chooses not to help, that is their business.

How far do you "help" someone before it is a handout? How much help do you want to give someone thats no interested in helping themselves? Is your help promoting then helping themselves or continuing to be reliant on others.

I dont think people should "help" other people survive. They should help with the remedial tasks, such as building something. Every human is built with survival instincts, and if you ignore them, or get to a point where you are no longer self-reliant, there is no "help" for you.