Should we as Americans care about starving people in Somalia?

i also do not agree with any child not being taken care of well...chairity by our govemerment has brought us to a brink of collapse...and everyone hates what have we gained so far except a ton of debt and the rest of the world pissed opinion...solve our own problems first. lets try selfishness for a while.
youre right blankobusa, they should continue squeezing them out as fast as possible, without any regard for their future welfare.
Why? well, because they can. Forget the fact if they cut the birthrate in half, it would almost double the chance of them making it too adulthood and dramatically cut disease and hunger. It would inprove their civilization in almost everyway, and in turn improve the world as a whole.

We need a license to fish, drive, travel abroad, and do a million other things. But the most precious of them all is bringing another human into the world. For this we have no rules whatsoever. Any child who bleeds can burder those around them, and their community, as many times as they wish, with no regard for that childs welfare.

and when people suggests slowing their birthrate for their own benefit. You take umbrage.

Having children you can't take care of, is the MOST irresponsible act a human can do!
i also do not agree with any child not being taken care of well...chairity by our govemerment has brought us to a brink of collapse...and everyone hates what have we gained so far except a ton of debt and the rest of the world pissed opinion...solve our own problems first. lets try selfishness for a while.

you're my new hero.
I think our gov't needs to look closer to home at the starving people here and the growing debt.....number one stop supports terrorist harbouring countries like Pakistan!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
To all who say 'stop having so many kids'

I don't understand?

Are they to simply stop having kids in hopes of having a family? Just stop breeding and let their race, their tribe wither away without renewal? It is Human nature to want to reproduce and in fact many enjoy it :) but why is it that when they have kids their stupid ignorant Africans and when we do it's creating a family? If they were to stop having kids Africa in those areas would become a barren plain in a generation or two. Some would say....hmm..ok, but would that not be condoning extermination of a race of people?
I don't think it right to say 'just stop having kids'. Heck why don't we go down there and tell everyone to line up for the miracle injection which is gonna cure them and make them better and just make the shot a sterilization one. Then in a few years we won't have to hear about how bad it is in africa because everybody will be gone turned to dust. Right? That would be ok because basically the same thing is happening only on a slower time frame. Who knows what to do but I don't think saying 'stop having kids' is the answer.

I didn't say they had to stop having kids completely, but if they wanted outside help they need to put a limit somewhere. I say if they have at least 2 kids now then they should agree to be fixed if they want help trying to feed the starving children. I think everyone's point is they sit there with 3,4,5 who knows how many that they cannot feed already but continue to keep spitting them out like M&M's.

And I know I did not say "stupid ignorant Africans" as that would be saying only one group of people do it. Hell there are tons of them here in the US black,white,yellow you name it which should be fixed from every bringing another child into this world. Why? because here in the good ole US that's a way for the lazy,ignorant, worthless ones to get a pay raise. Welfare check isn't big enough to get a new beamer or benz, oh well lets have a couple more and the check gets larger each month.

I know when I grew up and used to live up in MD, you would see so many lower class(whether it be black white whatever) rolling around in Benz's,Caddy's & Beamers totally pimped out and if they did have a legal job it was maybe at 7-11 so you know they couldn't afford it and 8 out of 10 were not even in their names but in their grandmother or fathers name(whether they knew it or not) because I guess you can't roll in a 50-100k ride in your name and still collect a check every month. All while living in the broke down single wide with the front door gone and the 8 kids out in the yard running around hungry and in dirty diapers. But I'll be damn they were sporting the high dollar shoes/clothes with the gold chains and their ride was clean. Those are the ones that need to be castrated.

Not the same as the ones in Africa I know, but my point is their are starving to death and they keep popping them out. Instead of sending them money why don't we send Dr Ruth down their to teach them how to pull out instead.
why is it that when they have kids their stupid ignorant Africans and when we do it's creating a family?

noboday said 'stupid ignorant africans' that i can see.

why did you feel the need to inject this? you should not label others in such a disparaging manner.
Cqt each one of those words can be found in the 'stop having kids posts' I refer to. I grouped them together so as to save from having to quote all of them.

I'm defending them so please don't think it's my opinion.
I have one child. It was my responsibility not to have more than I can provide for. And I COULD provide for 10. But if I did, it's not any government's responsibility to take care of them for me. We have people in our own country who can't seem to fit their mind around this simple concept.
and that "entitlement" attitude is doing irreversible harm to our country, not only does it contribute to our dept problem.
But it suggests to people that personal responsibilty is not important anymore. Nothing is more toxic to a society!
.... I haven't read all the posts, but I do have to say I agree it's a choice to stay. I mean when 3/4 of my family (in Germany) died in WWII do you think the rest stayed? I mean if Africa for the most part has no natural environment for these people to sustain life why stay? And if they just need to put in work to git'er done then.....

There is no answer for everyone, bit this is mine. I do appreciate the people good hearted enough to try and help, but I'll just stick with the humane society.
To all who say 'stop having so many kids'

I don't understand?

Are they to simply stop having kids in hopes of having a family? Just stop breeding and let their race, their tribe wither away without renewal? It is Human nature to want to reproduce and in fact many enjoy it :) but why is it that when they have kids their stupid ignorant Africans and when we do it's creating a family? If they were to stop having kids Africa in those areas would become a barren plain in a generation or two. Some would say....hmm..ok, but would that not be condoning extermination of a race of people?
I don't think it right to say 'just stop having kids'. Heck why don't we go down there and tell everyone to line up for the miracle injection which is gonna cure them and make them better and just make the shot a sterilization one. Then in a few years we won't have to hear about how bad it is in africa because everybody will be gone turned to dust. Right? That would be ok because basically the same thing is happening only on a slower time frame. Who knows what to do but I don't think saying 'stop having kids' is the answer.

Its not stop have kids, its stop having kids you cannot provide for.

its not just Africa I feel the same way for people here. My family had more kids than they could afford. I think they were ignorant as well.

I have three children, because I can provide for three children.

Doesn’t china tax families with more than two children? We GIVE tax breaks to families with more children.

have you ever seen the movie Idiocracy? Basically, poor families have more children the rich or capable families and over time the poor families take over and out populate the rich. Way more to it that and they stereotype poor to equate stupid, but it still makes me wonder.

It all boils down to... Yes, I think if you can help, you should help, as a good person. HOWEVER, they are last on my list. I have my family, me, my community, my state, my country.
Today my family went out to taco bell and there was a woman on the corner with a sign asking for help, so I got a couple extra burritos to give to her. While I was in getting food I seen they were hiring, so I told the ladies (who wanted money, not food) that they were hiring and she should check it out.. she told me its not worth hef time???

I think charity starts at home but I agree there are things in the world that make sad. I am lucky to have been born in American.
Posted via Mobile Device

i worked with a guy who spent 5 years being a vagabond/panhandler/hitch hiker around canada, over the course of a year, just standing on street corners with a sign, he said he made over 30,000 per year, best year was around 45000, he kept track of it all and actually paid taxes on it at the end of each year, didnt have to pay much as it was all classified as donations and gifts.... wherter its true or not i dunno, but i can see it, stand on a busy corner for 8-10 hours a day, could easily get 5-6 suckers an hour... well say one every 10 minutes, giving either a 5$ bill or the handful of change in the cup holder which in my truck is usually between 3 and 10 bucks.... well, 6x3 is 18, if we wanna be less optimistic, it still gonna net you between 10-12 bucks an hour, if not more, + some people "cutting out the middle man" and giving you taco bell or mickey-Ds... its gonna add up to more than someone would make at a minimum wage job at taco bell or mc-d...on a side note... in 2006 i was in hawaii, and on a corner outside of that yelow and brown stadium, there was a dude with a "hungry and homeless please help" sign.... this may be insensitive, but even if you are hungry... homelss in hawaii... thats a hard sell... damn i dont have a job, well ill pan handle for a few hours from some rich tourists, grab a bite, the lay on the beach for the rest of the day..... lucky sob.... almost sounds better than bustin it 8 hours a day for peanuts
I have to agree with the majority here. It is really sad that there are people who have to endure those things in the world, but there are more than any of us would like to think enduring that in this country. I say cut the foriegn aid and go for some isolationism. We are in need of serious help and throwing our money around as a country like a big shot has done nothing but win us some pretty terrible enemies. We are not the world police. We need to reel it in for a while and deal with the homeland.

I am a big believer in using your legs to walk somewhere else, and it is disgraceful for anyone to have more kids than they can support.
Blanca I understand that everyone should have the right to have children. I have the right to buy a Corvette Z06. Guess what ? I can't afford a Covette Z06 so I don't get one. Having a child is a huge responsibility that involves Finances and Structure. These People don't have any of that. Human Nature/GOD wants us to "Be Fruitfull and Multiply" but only if you are responsible enough to do so. If you have a Child and don't have a plan then you are being Irresponsible. I can't in my heart of hearts help anyone who is being Irresponsible
Stop having babies. It sounds so simple when you are looking at the world from the pseudo middle class USA. Here is something to digest; during a famine a few things happen to negatively affect the birth rate:
Infertility in women increases
Miscarriage rate increase
Infant mortality rate increases
Maternal death rate increases

It would seem that these things would decrease the number of people suffering but there are a few things that can increase the birth rate:
Coerced sex increases (nice term for what it really is)
Access to contraceptives decrease

From our Ivory towers it looks like there are bunches of starving people who barely have the strength to walk around deciding to have sex. Women on the brink of death getting pregnant and going full term and giving birth in a hostile environment only to do it again. How can a starving, jobless, homeless man convince women to not only have sex but get pregnant, when a man with a job, house, car, truck, good credit can barely get a woman to go on a date? Did I forget to mention that I have a Hayabusa and am good looking (in my own mind)? The men over there must be some kinda pimp.

Get a grip, think before you throw out statements like “stop having babies you can’t affordâ€￾ to people in that situation. Common sense would say that the people who are having babies were not a victims of the famine at the time of pregnancy or didn’t have much of a choice.
There has been famine there longer than the gestation period. I would think some of the issue would be the fertility rate (I'm gonna have 3 babies, because one of them is not likely to make it). Rape is also part of it.

I don't care how much money we throw at it, until they stop killing each other it's not going to change anything, except to break us down to their situation.
I have to agree that these third and fourth world countries were not in good shape and fiscally responsible and then had a calamity. They have been living in slums and starving for a very long time. I find it very easy to say stop having kids. I don't personally believe anyone, anywhere is entitled to a child. You have to be able to raise the child and provide for it. I have none because right now I choose not to. If I am one foot in the gutter and trying to survive the last thing to do is add another mouth to feed. If they have energy for sex, then they have the energy to go walk somewhere else and try their hand there. I would rather live in the wilderness, and would, than to live like that. Every human has a choice. They are not all the same, but they are there.
I have to agree that these third and fourth world countries were not in good shape and fiscally responsible and then had a calamity. They have been living in slums and starving for a very long time. I find it very easy to say stop having kids. I don't personally believe anyone, anywhere is entitled to a child. You have to be able to raise the child and provide for it. I have none because right now I choose not to. If I am one foot in the gutter and trying to survive the last thing to do is add another mouth to feed. If they have energy for sex, then they have the energy to go walk somewhere else and try their hand there. I would rather live in the wilderness, and would, than to live like that. Every human has a choice. They are not all the same, but they are there.

Go find the worst crack neighborhood in the country and see what people are willing to do for dope. If you replace the dope with food it is third world. Most of the women that are having sex are not doing it for their pleasure but rather for survival. Until you have seen it in person, it is hard to imagine what people will do for food.
Go find the worst crack neighborhood in the country and see what people are willing to do for dope. If you replace the dope with food it is third world. Most of the women that are having sex are not doing it for their pleasure but rather for survival. Until you have seen it in person, it is hard to imagine what people will do for food.
