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I just called; no answer so I left a msg...I told him that he needs to take a break, do something fun then get his butt back here 'cause we're all not happy campers...

I basically told him he shouldn't let stuff like this get to him and that he's missed...also threatened to call and bug him every day... LOL  That ought to bring him around...

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I just called; no answer so I left a msg...I told him that he needs to take a break, do something fun then get his butt back here 'cause we're all not happy campers...

I basically told him he shouldn't let stuff like this get to him and that he's missed...also threatened to call and bug him every day... LOL  That ought to bring him around...
Set your alarm clock and call him at wierd times. Make a game out of it.
I just called; no answer so I left a msg...I told him that he needs to take a break, do something fun then get his butt back here 'cause we're all not happy campers...

I basically told him he shouldn't let stuff like this get to him and that he's missed...also threatened to call and bug him every day... LOL  That ought to bring him around...
Good job va........

& You are rite on the money... The rubb dose need a break.

Hes be all go......... late,ly.

If you need to take up a donation to help pay for the thugs that bring RSD back, let us know. We are good at helping those in need.

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OK folks he is a wee bit Irish might just take a little time to cool his jets ..There was nothing said that constitutes him leaving IMAO Besides it wont be any fun if he leaves I would have to start flaming Revlis and Yamahoe then...Come rub drink one for me and lets get this party started again ...
OK folks he is a wee bit Irish might just take a little time to cool his jets ..There was nothing said that constitutes him leaving IMAO Besides it wont be any fun if he leaves I would have to start flaming Revlis and Yamahoe then...Come rub drink one for me and lets get this party started again ...
why bring me into this?! Flaming me and Rev..... THAT'S NOT RIGHT!!
what? Yamahor is flaming? He's flaming? Wow.

Totally sneaked under the radar. I didn't even pick it up.
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