Rubbs not logged on

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Mr. January
Donating Member
Everynight when I get home from work, Rubb is logged on. Now I read his post about leaving, and hes not logged on. I dont like where this is going. I hope you reconsider Andy, we need you here. And I think you need us probably more than your willing to admit
This is some BS!
No reason for Andy to leave over this.
I've been off-line for a few days, so I have NO CLUE what is going on. Could someone tell me? Was there a flame war or something? What would cause a mod to pack up and leave? I don't get it.
I think it might be good for him to stay away for a *little* while. Let him regroup. Rethink his position. Hopefully, find it in his heart to let *it* go. Then, come back home.
Cliff notes wont do it any justice. Find the post where USMCbusa says something about creekboy. (Not sure of the title, but "creekboy" is in the title). You need to read this.........all of this.
Don't worry...I'll be tracking him down later...

Lets give him some down time...time to cool his jets and realize it's not worth all of this...he'll be back or I'm going to have to send out some thugs to break limbs...
hopefully he comes back...I dissapeared during the summer ( You know living in New England there isn't alot of riding time ) So I missed the whole thing with Cache ,but since i been back on I see rubb on all the's gonna suck not seeing his imput on every *&^% thread just foolin
Cliff notes wont do it any justice. Find the post where USMCbusa says something about creekboy. (Not sure of the title, but "creekboy" is in the title). You need to read this.........all of this.
I did a search, but didn't find anything weird. Maybe it's none of my beezwax, but I'm still curious.
After last night, I'm sure the Man needs some time to reflect on recent events....anyhow, no use re-hashing the past
Even though this is 100% Grade A None of my business, I do have some insight into what's happening now and I'd like to say that IMO there is no reason for anybody to leave. Things have been said and things have happened that actually involve nobody else but those involved. I counted 4 people total. Chances are great that you and I are NOT 1 of those 4. However, For the record I'd like to state Da Rubbah and the Mickster are both fine people. They are not getting along right now and I am sure it is temporary. Emotions are very real as is the situation.
Voicing opinions based on rumors and suppositions serve no purpose. This is a "family" squabble. Lets let them work it out as they seem fit. As Officer Barbrady says.... "Move along people, there's nothing to see here"

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Don't worry...I'll be tracking him down later...

Lets give him some down time...time to cool his jets and realize it's not worth all of this...he'll be back or I'm going to have to send out some thugs to break limbs...
I volunteer to be a part of the posse heading north to track him down.
For those that can't find the threads...

They were removed/deleted, so searching is futile
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