respect the LEO's?

The law says we should obey the speed limits. That doesn't happen often. In fact, 1 MPH over is speeding and 1 MPH under is impeding according to the law.

Slowing and not completely stopping for a stop sign is illegal, but we all have done it.

Rushing through a yellow light before it goes red is illegal as well.

So what am I getting at? Not wearing a seatbelt is illegal. It's a law we are supposed to abide by. Personally I don't like seatbelts. They make me feel uncomfortable. My simple solution to the inconvenience is to simply pay the fine if I'm caught. It's either that or ride the bike. I prefer to ride the bike.

I feel that it should be a person's choice in terms of wearing a seat belt.

As for your ticket; Pay it and move on. You would have to pay the fine if you had incurred some other infraction.
(pward76 @ May 27 2007,13:38)
(ibified @ May 26 2007,00:07)
(newmill @ May 25 2007,23:59) Just curious...what circumstances would cause injuries to be worse with a seatbelt?

Additionally, A friend of mine got in a really bad car wreck back when we were in HS. He wasn't wearing his seat belt, and the car rolled end over end 7 times (I got to watch all of this in my rear view mirror) and he got away with a cut behind his ear.  The roof had collapsed on the car, and had he been wearing a seat belt, the roof would have crushed his head.  

Now, that being said, you can make the argument about whether or not it's better to wear your belt or not wear your belt, but personally I feel like it should be the choice of the individual.  Yes, it's federally pushed with the highway funding, etc, but that came to be because of insurance company lobbying.  You may not get any points on your license for a seat belt ticket, but watch what happens to your insurance rates...
End over end 7 times?  He must have flying -  Nascar racers don't endo that many times  - unless he was flipping over downhill.

Personally, I agree with the view that seat belts and helmets should be a personal choice - as long as those who choose not to use them are not allowed to demand and receive public funds for their medical and/or funeral expenses.  

As far as your insurance rates going up as a result of a seat belt ticket, that is as it should be.   Insurance companies are in the business of making money by avoiding risk.   If they can't avoid it, they mitigate it.  Those that engage in risky behavior are penalized.   Simple economics.
He was goin about 70 mph, a tire blew out, and he caught the passengers side front on a brick drain culvert on someone's driveway. I agree, cars dont normally flip that many times, but when you have something like that happen, it gets ugly. Fast. The brick drain didn't fare too well either....
It's ALL about $$. If you think this is done for your safety then you must of been born yesterday. When was the last time the goverment cared more about their people over the almighty dollar?
(MoosesBusa @ May 25 2007,20:11)
(BusaWhipped @ May 25 2007,20:56) Its all about the Benjamins.  If the states don't comply with the seat belt laws/enforcement, they lose Federal highway funds.  That's why some of the states have seatbelt laws for the cages, but no helmet laws.  As soon as the Feds decide to withhold $$$ for states without helmet laws, all 50 states will have them.
Actually it's all about the fatalities. The federal Government found in study after study how many people would still be alive had they simply worn their seat belt. Put bluntly, Physics is a biotch! They forced the states into enforcing the federal law by threatening to withhold federal dollars if the laws weren't enforced. Actually a smart move on their part.
Think you're stronger than a seat belt? Here's a quick test. Get in your car put on your seatbelt correctly and drive 10 miles per hour. Once up to speed slam on the brakes and come to a fast and abrupt stop. Notate any injuries sustained on a piece of paper. Now return home and go to the side of your house. back away from the wall far enough to insure you get up to 10 mph while running. Run straight into the wall with both of your arms straight out in front of you palms up and down with fingers pointed towards the sky. Run into the wall at full speed. Once stopped notate any injuries. Well, have the friends laughing at you write them down because you won't be able to hold the pen with the pain in your wrists or see the paper with the tear filled eyes from your bloody nose.
While they don't protect everybody all the time, the odds are in your favor to wear it.
Don't get mad at the cop. He was doing what he's paid to do... Uphold the law.
Can't buy that. It it is about the fatalities and not about the money, then why is it if I'm driving in Illinois in my cage I'll get a ticket if my seatbelt isn't buckled, but if I'm riding my Busa without a helmet its OK. Primary seatbelt law for cars. No helmet law for bikes.

According to your argument, if the laws are being made for our safety, then it must be more dangerous to drive a car without a seatbelt than it is to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. Do you really believe that?

In Missouri, the seatbelt law is secondary. They only enfore it if they catch you doing something else and find you weren't buckled up while violating some other law. So I guess it is not dangerous going around unbuckled if you are a law abiding citizen. Do you believe accidents only happen if you are violating another law?

Back in the 80's the feds mandated that all automobiles had to be equiped with a passive restraint system. Airbags were determined to be that system and the automakers sent millions upon millions of dollars developing airbag systems and designing and engineering them into their lineups, only to find they were hurting people not belted in.

So, while airbags help, they are only really effective if the occupents are wearing their seatbelts. What is the Government to do? They mandated passive restraint and a system that isn't effective as a passive restraint and automakers out millions of dollars? Stuck betwwen a rock and a hard place with pressure from the atuomakers, the Federal seatbelt mandate was born.

If the feds were concerned about safety more than the money, they would madate motorcycle helmets too. But there isn't anyone spending large sums of money in DC making that happen. But there are organizations spending big bucks there to keep it from happening.

I do agree with you on the problem being the laws, not the police. The state laws are in place only to ensure the Federal $$$$ keeps flowing.
(06BUSA @ May 26 2007,14:07) What ever happened with the broken windshield law. Just a 30min drive to work today. I spoted 3 cracked windshields. I even know a guy that has not repaired his in over 5 years. Not that he can't afford it, just to cheap to do it.
Now this is one I would ticket. And if repaired before court date. dismiss it.

I dont know, I just think there are better things for the officers to tend to.

What is the most common reason a accident occurs? I ask cause I do not know but I would guess this order. I probably missed a few.
Driving under the influance.
Talking on a cell phone.
Someone not using their turn signal.

I still respect the law, I'm still just pizzed off.
By the way who here does not speed? I rarely speed anymore. You would probable not believe me, but I make it a habit to be early so not to speed.
Speeding should most likely be at the bottom of the list. Agressive driving I would think is high on the list. The law usually lumps speeding in with agressive driving. Regarless of how the legislators define it, speeding is not in itself aggressive and reckless.
(Lamb busa @ May 25 2007,20:10) click it or ticket!  This is the easiest ticket to avoid!  Just wear your seatbelt.  EASY peasy!
Benjamin Fraklin said it best.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."