My fender mod...

BulletTrain, it looks great!

That was the first thing I did to mine but I cut it right under the bracket holding the plate and rounded it like you did.  It looks like the plate is just sitting looks really good.

I'd post the pic if you want to see it.

Of course I want picks, babe! We always want pics on this site! :D
Go ahead, BT, hack the rest of that shovel off of there.

A cut like that is almost like,,,'why'd I do that'? :super: Still looks stock.

Gowain! Snip it! :tounge:
Yeah, I know I want it shorter, I just want to come up with the right shaping before I lop it off. I want it to look right, not just short. ;)
Now, Rev, drill two holes above, flip the licence plate holder and,,,,,,, suck that plate up in there! ;)
Beat you to it, yeah the pictures show the bracket in the factory position but I already flipped it and I drilled two additional holes in my license plate actually to pull it right up to the tail light with about a 1/8th gap. Looks OK.

My next step is some after market signals, clear lenses front and rear and LED's.
Nice job Bullet and thanks for all the how too. I'm planning on the same thing this winter. I also found a source for turn signals that look a little more stylish and don't seem to be a big and expensive job to change. You may want to check some out on this site.

And thanks to all the other suggenstions here. Good info.
Oh My...So I guess you got tired of waiting for my slow ass to get you a template huh?   Sorry...

Looks good man, Using the bit of Fender was a hella good idea...  

So who else is going to give their Busa's a butt lift?

Here's mine...
Yeah, I couldn't wait any more. Got tired of it looking like a dumptruck from behind. :D

I done searches and everything trying to find your post before I cut but the only thing I could find was Rip's thread about his. Don't know why yours wouldn't come up. I was going to try and pretty much duplicate yours by the pics. Couldn't remember exactly how it was shaped. I may recut this evening going by the pics you posted in this thread.

Oh, I cut the fender with a sharp box cutter knife. That's what I used to score the fender around the template. I am pretty good with an exacto knife from my graphics days so I decided to see how the box cutter done. I just repeatedly traced the score mark with the cutter blade keeping medium steady pressure on it, cutting just a bit deeper each pass until it went through. Then I used a fine grade metal file to shape the edges and remove any rough spots from the cut. To finish it off I took one of the little sand paper discs from my dremel kit (about the size of a quarter) and used it on a finger to sand the edges smooth.

FWIW, I started cutting with a saw blade but it quickly clogged up with plastic and stopped cutting. That's when the box cutter idea came to me. ;)
Nice job Bullet and thanks for all the how too. I'm planning on the same thing this winter.  I also found a source for turn signals that look a little more stylish and don't seem to be a big and expensive job to change.  You may want to check some out on this site.

And thanks to all the other suggenstions here. Good info.
Thanks OnAHi. :D

I'm actually leaning toward trying to do the clear lens with integrated turn signals like the one posted in the mod foruma while back. That's the schweetest arrangement I've seen yet! :D
Go on train whack it off completely! One of the best & cheapest mods I did. Seriously it looks waaaaay better with out. And a buddy of mine saw a new busa and thought it was a completely different model than mine cause of the single exhaust and no mud flap.
I may cut more, but I don't want to eliminate the turn signals just yet. I haven't found a tail/turn light treatment yet that I want to go with. So far, the one posted in the mods section where the guy used a clear lens and put the turn signals inside the brake light is the best I've seen. I may duplicate that mod and then remove the rest of the fender and the stalk mounts. Until I decide on a lighting arrangement I don't want to get too crazy. ;)
Hey Bro, I think the Key to the tail llight mod is buying another one off of Ebay first, and cutting and modding that one. I love 03BusaLTD's turn signal mod, has to be one of the cleanest I have seen in a while.

I think I am going to follow in his footsteps. But I want a practice or aftermarket assembly to work with. Besides once I get a different assembly who knows what kind of LED Mischief I can get into.

Oh hey, Do you know of a product that can polish scratches out of plexi? I finally cut down a factory screen to make like a convertable windscreen but I gotta polish some of the scratches out. Functionally it worked out pretty well, I'll post pics but I wanted to get it polished up first. I can see all my gauges and it got a little quieter as well, looks funky but I think it's sorta interesting. VA and Raider gave it a thumbs up...

Go on train whack it off completely! One of the best & cheapest mods I did. Seriously it looks waaaaay better with out. And a buddy of mine saw a new busa and thought it was a completely different model than mine cause of the single exhaust and no mud flap.
I may cut more, but I don't want to eliminate the turn signals just yet. I haven't found a tail/turn light treatment yet that I want to go with. So far, the one posted in the mods section where the guy used a clear lens and put the turn signals inside the brake light is the best I've seen. I may duplicate that mod and then remove the rest of the fender and the stalk mounts. Until I decide on a lighting arrangement I don't want to get too crazy. ;)
Hey Bro, I think the Key to the tail llight mod is buying another one off of Ebay first, and cutting and modding that one.  I love 03BusaLTD's turn signal mod, has to be one of the cleanest I have seen in a while.

I think I am going to follow in his footsteps.  But I want a practice or aftermarket assembly to work with.  Besides once I get a different assembly who knows what kind of LED Mischief I can get into.

Oh hey, Do you know of a product that can polish scratches out of plexi?  I finally cut down a factory screen to make like a convertable windscreen but I gotta polish some of the scratches out.  Functionally it worked out pretty well, I'll post pics but I wanted to get it polished up first.  I can see all my gauges and it got a little quieter as well, looks funky but I think it's sorta interesting.  VA and Raider gave it a thumbs up...

Yeah, I'm going that route. I'm trying to avoid hacking up my stock stuff when I do mods... except for the fender of course. I'm going to find an assembly and get a clear lens for it and mod that, like you're saying. I like to keep all my stock stuff just in case. ;)

As for the plastic polishing, if it's real light scratches, as in something you can't really feel with a finger nail, I've had success using polish made for car paint, starting with something with a little cut like 3M Finesse-It and progressing down to a very fine polish like 3M Foam Pad Glaze. If you can feel it with a fingernail I've had success starting with ultra fine wet sandpaper, like 1500 or 2000 grit and then going with rubbing and polishing compounds just like on paint. Don't use anything high speed though. Too much heat will fry the plastic and ruin it. Can't wait to see pics of it. ;)
"This modification has been brought to you by Bullet Enterprises Ltd., all rights reserved" (he he).

Good work BT. Looks fine as is, but IMHO you need to take way more of it off. You don't need the rubber plate bumper if the flap is shorter than the end of the plate, kind of takes care of itself. Keep up the mod posts, great information for everyone.

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Not as clean but i have a ghetto garage i used a hacksaw my "good eye"and a screwdriver to "drill" my holes.

Great looking mod but I've got a question, how much does cutting the tail increase the amount of crap that gets thrown up on your stuff when you ride in the rain?  If the answer is none I guess it's time to start cutting otherwise I'll have to look like a dump truck since I've always gotten at least one day of rain on every trip I've taken.

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