This is what I posted to Shawn's FB page this morning:
Today is your big day Shawn Hughes. I'm sorry I'm not there due to other military committments, but I wanted to leave you an observation from someone who has preceeded you into military retirement:
- It is not the UNIFORM that makes the MAN; it is the MAN that makes the UNIFORM. The uniform, all bright and shiny with ribbons and badges, is merely the trappings of the MAN that wore it and EARNED those trappings. The uniform didn't sweat, suffer, cry or bleed, the MAN did. While you may put the uniform away, that does not change YOU one bit. The sound of Reveille, Taps, The Star Spangled Banner, the Marine Corps Hymn; all these hold and stir special place in you and beat in the heart of a Warrior, who wrote that blank check paid to the United States of America, for the amount of "up to my life" - and that never changes regardless of your status. You share a bond that many will never know or understand, that "look" that those who have served that can spot another in a crowded room. You stand in a long line - that brotherhood that bonds you with those that have come before you, and will come after you.
I salute you sir, and welcome you to the ranks of the "Retired, but never really gone"...You may stand down, someone else has taken the watch...