Looks like China got a taste of their own lead

That is sad.

Something else that is irritating to me is the United States is passing all these regulations that are environmentally friendly. preventing power plants from being built, preventing new oil production plants and refineries from being built (especially in California) which is behind higher energy costs. All in the name of protecting our environment.

And all this is great and if this is what we need to do to protect our environment then that is what we need to do.

But it seems for every progress we (the United States) make towards having less of an impact on the environment, other countries and mainly China are doing things that are worse for the environment that negate any forward progress we make.

So I feel like we am paying more for energy just so places like China can be irresponsible.

China has also become the biggest polluter of Low Earth Orbit

The junk in low Earth orbit: satellite collision highlights space pollution and rising hazard from debris | WcP Blog
