lol, banning

sooooo it seems the other thread didn't hit home fully.

Let me share a thought or two....

Over the many years I have been here I have learned that there are a few things you can bank on....100%.

First, Doug's (aka Capt.) word is his bond. Of all the people you will meet in life you can trust that when Doug gives his word, it will happen.

Second, It generally takes a fair amount to irritate him to the point that you will get banned. You can do it real quick by exercising extreme stupidity but day to day, the rules only bend so much. Keeping it clean is a big one, anyone that's been here a little bit should know this one.

Third, Once something has happened and its become public....well there's two ways for it to be public. One way is that the Admins/mods put out a post. In this way, generally commentary is welcomed to a point, however a decision is a decision. The other way is what we had here today...and well you can read that thread to see how it worked out. :whistle:

I guess my point to the new folks is this. We are all welcome here but we are essentially walking into Doug's house. He has trusted friends watching over the place with him. There are rules, just like in your own homes some are more flexible than others. And just like in your home, people can honor your rules and respect them or they can leave....sometimes with your assistance ;)

Like the decision, don't like it. Just like in your own home, no one really has the right to second guess your decision and we do not have the right to second guess his or the other mods/admins. Poking fun at the situation generally will not sit well. :poke:

I only make this post to help educate/inform/offer experience. I'm not a mod, admin or anything more than a member like everyone else. Take it or leave it for whatever its worth. :thumbsup:

Very well said. I couldn't agree with you more.

I have never been banned as of yet. I am a member of one other forum, but spend all my time here. Went back to the other a few times. Just couldn't handle all the grown folks acting like kids around there. Love it here and don't plan on going anywhere else.
{rubs her eyes and looks around} well I guess I'm not jonesing that bad for a ride.. this stuff is really goin on... well that's a dirty shame...some things are too pitiful to comment on

ah well I'm off to get a service...oh, and to remove those blasted reflectors... I'm sure everyone will be thrilled :) later guyz
gah, thread jacked. i wasn't talking about here, just trying to get some of you guys to lighten up. it seems like it takes quite a bit to get banned here, so stop pushing. this site is a great resource, don't fmess it up. anyway, back on topic, thanks:whistle:
never been banned...and that's good considering how many people I offended with m cartoons:laugh:...also why i haven't made any in awhile:whistle:
lol, i think a 355 whp neon will walk on any sti's in the area. there are a few that are quite overbuilt tho, i'll give you that. jeez, there was a black one in florida that scared the crap out of me, smoked all 4 tires on the launch, burned em through second. was siiiiiiiiick...

so much power on 2 little wheels :P.. you should try to "walk" on my buddies 335I :whistle::whistle::whistle:
OK... I'm blonde, I admit. But I logged to find most of my friends list blacked out, and its a short friends list (what do those two facts say about me I wonder)...and I have to wonder some things...
So I realize I am in the dark about the particulars, not my place, Im not an Admin ect ect...but in forums we all have the options of doing a few things...putting on our big kid panties and dealing with it... since we won't ever ALWAYS agree...or in this forum I noticed a handy dandy ignore feature... so you can self censure your forum to suit yourself...
I know I'm musing out loud, but last I checked we are all fairly grown and living in the real world...{shrugs} I've always chaffed at rules, but at the same time if there is a rule I feel it needs to be across the board completely unbiased and equal for all... that is what makes it unquestionable and absolute.
I'm off to bed..maybe this was all just a bad dream from me suffering ride withdrawals... but I don't think I've got the shakes....

I'm still here Lee! :please: at least so far!

Zuk is right, everyone just CHILL OUT and let the ADMINS handle it.
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Life time ban from the corral for telling on of the resident head porting " experts" he was a joke and not a single set of his heads ever won a real race.

ban from bad a** mustangs for telling them they would not know a what a fast car was if it ran over them.

Life time ban from a local fire dept forum for telling the truth about a training program at a certain dept.

oh and Jessica has banned me from the laundry rooms. Seems I have blown up 3 washing machines in 2 years.
so much power on 2 little wheels :P.. you should try to "walk" on my buddies 335I :whistle::whistle::whistle:

that's the reason i got rid of it, couldn't put the power down. great for turning new tires old, but not so fun to drive. and unless that heavy bimmer is chipped, it wouldn't have been very fun for him. those 335's are dead sexy tho, my buddy has a red one, hardtop convertible, omg it's sooooo :wow:
I got banned from a guitar amplifier forum (the owner of which builds the amps his forum is dedicated to) because I posted that I auditioned one of their amps, wasn't crazy about the sound, and asked if guys had tried different tubes to change the tone.
The mods didnt like that and sent me an email saying "dont bother comming back"...

I told them "Ok, but please either enable your spell-check or maybe revisit your 2nd grade English lessons, cause my 7 year old nephew knows how to spell "coming".

Im not losing sleep over the whole thing...

if you weren't a butt kisser, you got flamed by the "Death Squad Of Dedicated Butt Kissers", so no big loss.

:laugh: :laugh: