Led lighting kit group buy

...as long as you don't put them on flash you should be fine KoK
Hate to flip flop on colors but today I talked w/ a CHP. asked him about colors. Red is cool as long as it is rear faceing. Side facing Illumination is Illegal. He did say lots of them really don't care & will not write you but, "it is cause to pull you over & check you out" in his words. White is for foward facing only, Amber sides are good,  Red are rear facing only. no other color is legal, ie blue green ect...
I think I will change color to Amber.
PS not tickets in 20 years & I like to keep it that way.
I was pulled over for doing 91 MPH going to Laughlin NV. CHP was totally cool w/ me and said just slow her down a bit & have fun. Decided not to tell him we just speed checked our bikes & I hit 165mph. ROFL

Reason for Edit: "Clarification"|1155959410 -->

Please elaborate. Amber and Orange are available as a separate color selection. You posted "Amber(Orange)". Let me know.