I'm talking about Arm Stress Syndrome. This is caused by a number of things but primarily caused by the "jolting, hang on for dear life, I'm sorry I appear to be low on muscle tissue and bone calcium" accelleration a stock Busa produces. Having ridden mine about 7000 miles now [since may thank you!] I have developed a pained arm problem that detracts from my fun. I call it A.S.S. adn results in lower forearm pain from hitting the throttle long, hard and often. My position on the bike usually has my elbows bent when it takes off and I do NOT straiten them out durring accelleration. Thus the pull factor basically jars and stretches my forearm bone and after all those miles of yanking, banking and throttling, it kinda hurts all the time. Then lets add in the wrist pressure, the vibrations similar to CTS, and A.S.S. can be a pain in the [insert sphincter uphomism here].
Anyhow, anyone have any ideas to help this other than "Don't start so fast" I am working out a little more to aid in muscle assistance in the region....
Also, any other 98 pound weaklings like myself notice an increase in under forearm muscle develpoement due to hanging on and clutching? I'm getting POPEYE arms or something.
Now you know all about A.S.S. and how to avoid getting any. Pamphlets are in the mail.
Anyhow, anyone have any ideas to help this other than "Don't start so fast" I am working out a little more to aid in muscle assistance in the region....
Also, any other 98 pound weaklings like myself notice an increase in under forearm muscle develpoement due to hanging on and clutching? I'm getting POPEYE arms or something.
Now you know all about A.S.S. and how to avoid getting any. Pamphlets are in the mail.