Hello Ladies!!!!!!!!


Hey ladies, hey if any of bikes chicks would like to posts your gorgous bodies on this page for the guys to check out go ahead. Your choice if you want to wear clothes or not

We promise not to post any bad comments. I love when I see a women on a bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey ladies, hey if any of bikes chicks would like to posts your gorgous bodies on this page for the guys to check out go ahead.  Your choice if you want to wear clothes or not

We promise not to post any bad comments. I love when I see a women on a bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They post when they like, but I wouldn't reccomend asking them to post nude here. You might want to go back and read the disclaimer you agreed to when you registered here.

Have fun, but keep it clean!
Get a little control there partner...If push comes to shove grap one of those sticky Playboys you have close by...
Hey ladies, hey if any of bikes chicks would like to posts your gorgous bodies on this page for the guys to check out go ahead.  Your choice if you want to wear clothes or not

We promise not to post any bad comments. I love when I see a women on a bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are you nuts? Not a way to get started on the boards. We all think a lot of our ladies on bikes, so much so that most of us would take offence to instant goggling. So I hope you meant this as a joke. If not lets start over. Welcome to the site please read the agreement on the Home page.
Not cool, HayabusaKickAss
We do have some attractive women here that are very much welcomed and can definitely hold there own but as you see we protect our own as well. We are a close knit group and don't like to single anyone out (unless they deserve it). You are welcome to stay but please use a little more class in your post.
Hey ladies, hey if any of bikes chicks would like to posts your gorgous bodies on this page for the guys to check out go ahead.  Your choice if you want to wear clothes or not

We promise not to post any bad comments. I love when I see a women on a bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whats up dude? Welcome to our board. But before we go any further, let me tell you a little about this board. There is a reason that there are several different Busa boards. Just like people, the boards have different personalities. On THIS board everyone is pretty low key. Nudity is not allowed. We all know where to find nudity, and this is just not where we go for it. Also, we keep the foul language down to a minimum. Not that we don't use such language. Again, its just the personality of the group. In order to keep things under control, we just keep it to a minimum. There are a number of woman on here, and they probably can outride 50% of us. We give them ultimate respect and don't talk to them like we are in a strip club. Don't get me wrong. Every one of them is HOT! They have posted pictures. But they are group members not trophies. I don't mean to preach, but just think it is only fair to explain how things are done here.

So with that said, your are welcome if you want to stay. The best way to begin is to introduce yourself, and a picture of you and your ride is alkways appreciated. Read some of the threads and you will get a feel for the personality of our group. If we don't fit your style, no offense taken. I am sure there are other boards you might like better. Let us know if you need some suggestions.

My hat is off to all of you guys.... looks like I missed this guy with his poor taste in posts, missed giving my two cents to him. Thanks for standing up for all the ladys in here. We have some beautiful women on this board and we don't need some one like this to keep them away. You know my wife Sue does not post in here but she does look in from time to time. Yep she knows I post her pictures in here and has no problem with it because this place is full of class act people. I love the idea of women riders and think there should be more. I guess I like to show that a woman can be good looking and a real lady and still ride a sport bike (such as my wife). Once more my hat is off to all you guys... This is the reason I hang in here, this is the reason we will be lucky enough to have real lady riders in here, they know they will be respected.
I don't even know how to reply to this a$$wipe without being booted from the family myself. I'll just leave it to you guys. You have all said it much better than I could.

The only thing I have to say is Swan shame on you >>> We and I think I speak for all of us dont want to see him naked on his bike LOL