has anyone ever used these bags?


shopping around for bags for the midwest mng and wondering if anybody has ever tried these bags? For 69.99 shipped they dont look that bad and look to have good space. Also because of their large dimensions are they too big to fit on the busa?
New! Motorcycle Saddle Bag Set w/ Reflective Material | eBay
Hard to imagine something too big for the Busa. Mine are 18" long and 12" deep.
Are the dimensions for each bag or total combined? Pictures don't always tell the truth. My bags have heat shields under them to protect from exhaust heat.
lol thats kind of what i was thinking but its the whole riding on the exhaust thing but then again mine are carbon fiber

Adjust the center strap short enough that they don't hang and they should clear the exhaust. As long as there's no contact you should be fine.
Are the dimensions for each bag or total combined? Pictures don't always tell the truth. My bags have heat shields under them to protect from exhaust heat.

when i messaged the guy he said that was each and i added the dimensions to the pic lol
this will be my first time running bags on a sport bike so new experience lol
I've got softbags. Heck of a lot better than a back pack brother. Once you get where you're gonna just take them off and carry them in the room. :thumbsup:
I've got softbags. Heck of a lot better than a back pack brother. Once you get where you're gonna just take them off and carry them in the room. :thumbsup:

yeah thats what i figured and these should be big enough to fit everything i need for a weekend