Getting too old for this garbage.....

I used to take Glucosamine right after a work-out because I knew I would hurt. I didn't know I was going to hurt after this, so I did nothing to avoid the pain. Tylenol helps a little, but not enough.

Take some ALLEVE (naproxen sodium) it will take care of the inflammation and pain.
i love me a good scrap! i did MMA for 3 years and worked in tons of bars as a bouncer... its always a good reality check... glad youre ok though.. just think of it as a good workout =)

be safe out there.
Get in shape brother. I'm 46 and never miss my training. I will get in the ring and spar 10- 15 rounds and feel fine the next day. I couldn't say that if I didn't train
C'mon Rev, they gave you a Stick to hit idiots with, it would be rude not to use it:laugh:

Better sore than injured, at least you okay:thumbsup: