Good , He deserved to be punished severly.
I had a incident recently that was just as extreme, if not more so.
I was in CT doing clean-up from a freak winter storm that did massive damage and left most the state without electricity for over a week.
Anyways, I was in the home town where I grew up going to look at job in the next town over.
My hometown sits in a valley and you have to climb out of it, if going either east or west.
I was on CT -RT 315 heading to a place called Tariffville, this is a narrow long straight road traversing Hatchet Hill.
So there was a large SUV in front of me and 2 more cars in front of him and I always forget when I am out of Vermont that you have to obey the yellow lines painted in the middle of the road, because here in Vermont we have no line law , pass anywhere, anytime.
So I go to make my pass and I got the same treatment as the guy in the video (SUV tried to run me off the road) except the only thing to my left is a guard rail and river.
I make the pass of all 3 vehicles successfully and really don't want to get hot under the collar being it was Sunday morning and I had already been to church with Dad and it was going to be a fine day out and I had work to do.
Anyways at the bottom of the other side of this hill is a traffic control signal and guess what Mr run you off the road SUV is right behind me now revving his engine, making gestures.
This is a no turn on red light but forget that, I was getting away from this guy and it was clear, so I took off.
I went hard thru the first 3 gears then reigned it in and settled down to the speed limit. A couple miles down the road can you guess what happens ? That's right Mr.Suv buzzes me at 100 plus miles an hour , gets in front and does a brake stand trying to get me to rear end him.
I was ready for all he had to offer, and was sitting in a pro-actively defensive position after his buzzing of me.
So as he locked up his brakes on me , I swung left and this time kept on the throttle never to see him again.
The attached picture is what I would have fallen into if he had successfully run me off the road.
End of story and the moral of this one is, alls well that ends well.:oldcool: