Busa Down/ Busa back up/ and down again


Hey everyone, I need some help. I got my bike back up and running after the crash, however I have a problem with the clutch.

After riding a few short miles the clutch would start slipping with acceleration and got progressively worse. The bike would completely free rev with the clutch lever all the way out. I thought it might have been a pressure build up in the hydraulic system. I loosened the screws on the clutch master cylinder cap and that fixed the problem temporarily. After a few short clutch pulls the problem would reoccur. What gives?

The bike has about 2500 miles and has never (well almost never) been dogged around much. What could the crash have done to cause this problem. I did take it to a mechanic (not my first option) who is going to “look” at it. He thinks it might be “trash” in the system. I don’t see how considering it has been a sealed system since it left the factory floor.

Please tell me what you think. It’s very frustrating finally getting my baby back together and having a problem like this. Thank you in advance for your kind and informative responses. Chris
Thanks, JC. I haven't opened the case to check the plates, Is that what you mean by stack height (clutch plates). I didn't see any cracks in any of the cases, but wouldn't that cause a pressure decrease (which would keep the clutch from releasing) though this is a bit out of my area. Could you please elaborate. Thank you, Chris
Is this a rare problem? I guess none of the 30-40 people that have read this have a clue

I'm fairly mechanically inclined, but have little experience with haydraulic clutch problems like this. Any guesses would be helpful at this point. Thanks, Chris
without the unit in front of someone it is taking a shot in the dark.
I listed the common things to look for so get busy and check them if not get it to someone who can do it
THanks again JC. A friend told me that there is a bleed back pressure relief valve in the master cylinder that could have been damaged in the crash. I did take it to a tech yesterday so maybe they will figure it out without taking me to the cleaners. Chris
THanks again JC.  A friend told me that there is a bleed back pressure relief valve in the master cylinder that could have been damaged in the crash.  I did take it to a tech yesterday so maybe they will figure it out without taking me to the cleaners.  Chris
NC......ya shoulda pulled it yerself... clutches are a breeze.
Good luck with it dude.
I have seen many issues with the sprocket cover. Like Johnny said, check the slave cylinder. Remove it to inspect it, I have seen the cover look fine until you pull the clutch lever, that is when the crack appears. I would start on any external possiblities and work your way into the engine since it all worked fine prior to the crash. Use the list Johnny provided, that would be my course of action.