Bike theif revenge fantasy

what makes you think thief will be unarmed? They are probably better armed than you are. well most of you anyways lol.

I got lo-jack on mine. I'll let the Po Li Ce deal with it. After all my tax money pays their salary oh wait... well you get the idea.
I'll let the Po Li Ce deal with it. [/QUOTE]
Yea,that only works if they are not pre occupied chowing down doughnuts and sipping coffee!! LOL
I always thought the best would be a remote that would activate the throttle to go Wide Open after the bike reached 40 mph.
Then just watch the News for the Accident!
I like it !!!!!!!!!!!!
Simply a tracking device. I'll deal with him personally!
One of the guys around here did that.  Got into big time trouble with the cops.  He posted up after the fact.  NSFW
Sounds like he got away with a slap on the wrist...and a pat on the back  
Dayum that had to feel great.
I know a guy who's Mustang got stolen and stripped. It had $25K in mods done to it. Stolen right from the front of his house. Got it back 8 hours later completely stripped. I mean everything. Fenders, Leather seats, Supercharger, Tranny, Wheels & new tires, Cowl Hood, Spoiler, brand new top...... yada, yada, yada.
Well, this certain guy was informed of where a certain chopshop was 3 blocks from where they found his Stang.... he drove up around 3 a.m. and unloaded a 357 right through the bay doors of said chopshop - yeah the lights were on and you could hear work going on too.... Crazy #######. Don't know what ever came about anything, I mean he never got any parts back or whatnot, or if anything happened to the sugarbritches inside.... but it sure felt good.... at least... thats what I heard.

It sucks getting your prized posession taken from you.

They should cut their hands off on live TV every Thursday night. On National Television too. Give the bastards something to think about come Friday....

Ph*ckin Thieves!
The US is to soft on theives, We should do what they do in Iraq "OFF WITH THERE F%CKING HANDS!!!!"
Sorry for the loss man! The more I read this the more I couldn't help but think about the scene in Blazing Saddles where Hedley Lamarr is scheming for payback.

Taggart: I got it! I got it!
Lamarr: You do?
Taggart: We'll work up a "Number 6" on 'em.
Lamarr: "Number 6"? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that one..
Taggart: Well, that's where we go a-ridin' into town, a whampin' and whompin' every livin' thing that moves within an inch of its life...... Except the women folks, of course.
Lamarr: You spare the women?
Taggart: NAW! We r-pe the sh-t out of them at the Number 6 Dance later on!
Lamarr: Marvelous!
See,the problem lies in our 'Garbage' justice system!
If you steal someones bike,the penalty should be automatic eletric chair. None of this lethal injection $hit either.
In the old days,if you stole someones horse,you would be hanged by sundown.
Proble is,today people aren't scared to do wrong because they know that they will get a slap on the wrist.
you need to move to texas
we can use deadly force to stop major (uninsured) theft at night
people that get their sh1t stolen are usually pretty ignorant. I've lived in the ghetto of chicago with no problems as well as flint,MI.

all this stuff about cuttin people up and stuff, nobody would have the balls to do it if it came down to it. not worth throwing your life away to get a machine back... even though i know most of you arent really serious, think before you say stuff like that.
I'm not gonna say anything cause then if it happen I already know what I'd do, no fantasy about it!!! but if there is no evidence, that same joke of a justice system won't be able to get me, cause they would try. because they hate self justice worse than murderers, rapist etc.

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people that get their sh1t stolen are usually pretty ignorant. I've lived in the ghetto of chicago with no problems as well as flint,MI.

all this stuff about cuttin people up and stuff, nobody would have the balls to do it if it came down to it. not worth throwing your life away to get a machine back... even though i know most of you arent really serious, think before you say stuff like that.
Don't be so sure. Some of us are serial murderers who just haven't found the right potential body yet.

Anyway, I have installed tracking, but that GPS that Roughneck posted in the other topic is way too pricey, IMHO. We discussed using cell phones to track bikes a while ago in this thread:

I've got the i415 now, and I can track my Ninja anywhere there's phone service. Cheap, too. About $80/year, assuming I don't use it for phone calls. And if setup right, it doesn't matter if it gets stripped off the bike, because it sends the position out every 2 minutes, whether it's in my garage, on the road, or anywhere else. Where it stops is where I start hunting.

And then I would take my baseball bat, and a gun, just in case.
how can you have a screen name like "theatomicass" and be a dude? come on now...
Hello Progressive...............
"My bike has been stolen" hahahahaha all the way to the bank
I'm with Spigga... tracking device. That way you find the bike, watch the perp, then when totally appropriate (late night) you bust down the door, hit him in the head with bat (to daze), then tie his a$$ up and haul him out to the desert. There you lay him out between stakes (naked of course) and make 3" cuts all over his body using a dull knife. Then you pack those wounds with Rock Salt, then pour some honey on him. After all that you'll be a little tired, so bring along a chair so as you can watch the ants and other kritters have their way. Also, when the sun comes up and starts to dry out the wounds the salt will help with moisture control... in a few weeks you'll have some jerky. Not recommending you eat it or anything, but the sum b!tch deserves to suffer after taking someones bike.

Above statement is just an opinion and has never been carried out... as of yet.
Yes I agree, and he (mrgxr) has a mesa right behind his house, I would have front row seating.

His statement said that he had never done it, but I saw him out back last week digging a hole and came back with a big bag of salt. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM

See,the problem lies in our 'Garbage' justice system!
If you steal someones bike,the penalty should be automatic eletric chair. None of this lethal injection $hit either.
In the old days,if you stole someones horse,you would be hanged by sundown.
Proble is,today people aren't scared to do wrong because they know that they will get a slap on the wrist.
Exactly, no accountability for their actions cause there is no repercussion for what they do.

I say we start to fit punishments with crimes.

You steal, well then you just lost your hands...

You kill, you hand until dead...

You rape, you get raped and then castrated without this surgical procedure they have these days, you get laid out and it gets cut off, the rest is up to you....

You're a defense lawyer... automatic death by being dragged behind a horse across a cactus field.

I may be a cyncical here, but I am tired of all these damn theives, murders, rapists, gang bangers, etc getting away with what they want and not having to worry about getting into any real serious trouble.

I get real peeved when it comes to this subject.... sorry.  
Yes and what should happen to your neighbor that is hitting on your wife while you are out of town?


Sorry, that is an inside joke with mrgxr.
