been awhile since we discussed the abilites of our long time second place follower with all the attention on these up and coming killer liter bikes. I was thinking I read a couple articles the past couple years with stats showing the 12r edging the bus with some slightly higher numbers in the torque and HP departments. granted, the busa is the defacto standard to compare everything against and our struggling 2nd place kawasaki sidekick gets ignored mostly... but what is she doing lately? has the stock version of the 12r edged out the stock busa yet? 1/4 mile? hp & torque? handling? any of it? anyone seen any hard numbers lately?
I would think after all this time and the amazing things Kaw has been doing to engines lately, the 12r would have been creeping up too. and it was already SO CLOSE to equalling the busa. someone find some stuff out? Any 05 12r owners here.
lets not start a flame war but stick to fact and experiences
I would think after all this time and the amazing things Kaw has been doing to engines lately, the 12r would have been creeping up too. and it was already SO CLOSE to equalling the busa. someone find some stuff out? Any 05 12r owners here.
lets not start a flame war but stick to fact and experiences