Your Occupation/Career/Profession...

Aircraft Maintenance Manager for a fleet of Army King Air 350's. Afghanistan. Pros 90 days off. Cons 90 days on.
Mechanic/millwright for most of my working life, stepped into operations for a change for the last 7 years. Pros..pays well, good schedule , home life is good...cons... Boring as chit:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Street sweeper and a parent to hundreds of kids/adults. The pro's are it pays decent with all of the overtime. The con's are you have to deal with everything society doesn't want. :laugh:
Automotive tech for 25 yrs
MMI-Phoenix graduate 2012
Motorcycle tech/service writer/parts sales
Currently sucks too!!!
Currently- 17 years Active Army
Logistics, CW3, working with the Alabama National Guard. I would love to retire in 3 years and do something else but the current state of the fighting between ALL our elected officials have me second guessing that!

Pros- the stability of a paycheck and band of brotherhood built from time of serving. Met some wonderful ppl, and some ass holes too.

Con- instability of knowing where I'm going every three years, being away from family during holidays some years.

At the end of the day I wouldn't have it any other way.
I Joined the Army back in 1989. I fit a certain Psychological Profile. After that I was Recruited by the CIA....................Many Years later I live a Happy Life in Northern California :thumbsup:

Paramedic. Great job most days. Can be some long hours and you will see some things you don't really care to. It's pretty awesome though. :laugh: