Ticket going umm fast

if at any time he lost site of any of you it will be thrown out of court . He has tp prove it was you and the only way he can do that is with a tag number or your confession. It is also illigal for them to continue a chase if they loose site of you .
Yeah he was so far back we were already stopped and talking when he pulled up.....in other words if we would have just turned where we did and contined riding I/we would have never known the copper was trying to "catch" us.
good luck...hope everything works out....bummer
Go to court.  You won't beat the wrap but it'll be reduced.  6 points is outrageous but as you said, it could have been worse.  If he clocked you he could have been a butt and taken your precious.  So nonetheless you're lucky but go to court and get that reduced.  You may luck up and the officer doesn't show....case tossed out.
Most defenitely worth going to court for. Should reduce easily. I am with the others, should of said it was not you it was some other guys
Best of luck.
Go to court.  You won't beat the wrap but it'll be reduced.  6 points is outrageous but as you said, it could have been worse.  If he clocked you he could have been a butt and taken your precious.  So nonetheless you're lucky but go to court and get that reduced.  You may luck up and the officer doesn't show....case tossed out.
Most defenitely worth going to court for. Should reduce easily. I am with the others, should of said it was not you it was some other guys  
 Best of luck.
+ whatever....I agree, I think you can beat that rap....good luck and let us know...
Why did you run? "Your honor I run from anything that is white and has 4 wheels when I am traveling in excess of 160 mph.....
You see sir, at those speeds I have a hard time making out if those are lights on the top of those white cars or not, so I run from ALL white vehicles.......ummmmm but it wasn't me in this case your honor.:p
He lost sight of you. he did not know what vehicle was in front. he did not know for sure if you guys were even involved in what he witnessed wherever it was. he did not know an actual speed.
Seems to me he doesn't know more than he does. Like you, I wouldn't mind the $60. It's the 6 points that would grind my behind. If you want your insurance to stay where it is at now, You'll have to fight the ticket. Perhaps you can tell the judge you don't mind contributing the $60 for past sins but to post 6 poins against you for something that the officer can't even come close to verifying is rediculous.
If all of that was wasted time typing, call the local courthouse and ask if a safety course is available that will eliminate points from a "basic Speed" infraction. Here in Florida you can rent it from Blockbuster for $70 ( if memory serves )
Lawyer up, you'll regret it if you don't. Those six points will be kicking your wallets arse for a while...
Here in New York they (State Police) now have high speed plate readers on some patrol vehicles. It can read several thousand plates per hour and will alert the officer to stolen vehicles, suspended drivers and so on. It can read vehicles over 120mph.. It can also be used in low flying aircraft. This is all done automatically with the officer not needing to take his eyes off the road. Its the newest of your tax dollars at work.... You run past one of them they will have your plate number for sure... Just something to think about... this is no joke, its real.
By the way here in New York we have what is known as a 710.30 form. If you make a statement or orally admit to something this form is filled out and it can be used in court to convict with your own words. As long as its only a violation or your not in custody (free to go at the time you answer) Miranda rights need not be given, and it will fly in court. True the Officer was on a fishing trip... But did you give him what was needed when you talked with him? A lawyer would be a good idea you. But speaking from doing this work for over 23 years I would never arrest unless I had a good idea I could make it stick in court. I wish you good luck.