I received the paypal the other day from Captain from all the support that was shown from the board. I would of posted up sooner, but I really didn't know what to say, and I still am at a lose for words.
I don't know how I can ever pay the board back for all that was done to help, but I'm still trying to think of some ways.
We never knew having a child could be so expensive. Thank God we have insurance. With insurance so far it is $3,429.97 without insurance it would have ran $19,080.82; and this still isn't all the doctor visits and his other inpatient visits to the hospital. It's outrageous.
I still don't know what to say to show our gratitude, but I would like to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and generosity of donations to help out.
Here are a few pics from the 15th. He is looking a lot better and is definitely growing. Eating us out of house and home already.
But Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
The Adkins family.
I don't know how I can ever pay the board back for all that was done to help, but I'm still trying to think of some ways.
We never knew having a child could be so expensive. Thank God we have insurance. With insurance so far it is $3,429.97 without insurance it would have ran $19,080.82; and this still isn't all the doctor visits and his other inpatient visits to the hospital. It's outrageous.
I still don't know what to say to show our gratitude, but I would like to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and generosity of donations to help out.
Here are a few pics from the 15th. He is looking a lot better and is definitely growing. Eating us out of house and home already.
But Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
The Adkins family.