Subframe failure petition

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349 already.
I signed, but I don't worry much about my subframe after installing this fix.

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maui from LaBusas made up a few of these a year or so ago. even if the frame was to crack or break there, the reinforcements eliminate any safety hazard. Only took me about 10 minutes to install. If any of you all are handy, I'm sure you caould fabricate a similar fix yourself or for everyone who wants one.

OK put my in there I have a 99 busa already had the sub frame welded, sure did move my ass end around alot, with no one on the back, wouldn't want to be the guy on the back when it breaks!!
Well you can add me in two weeks ,thats when I get my 99 Busa and Im gonna go ahead and order the subframe braces before hand anyways. I seen em in the classifieds but dont really know who is providing em or how much either. Can someone tell me where to get them from?

I'm number 501 and this is my first post on this board.I got my 2000 model last weekend.What a bike.I will be getting this subframe modded as soon as possible.
Just sign the 510

I recall to read a letter that was written by Suzuki UK
and they told that riders scouldend mount luggae rack
only suported to subframe. how else scould this be done.
mounting also to the swingarm would be a hazard to the
ride-ability for the bike. Hayabusa is sold under the
thopic the ultimate sport touring bike that for mee meens
passenger and luggage.

Ben owner 2000 mod.