Shoulder Surgery?


I just had surgery to repair a partially torn rotator cuff and had some bone removed from my collarbone and shoulder blade to prevent rubbing and reinjury. It's been about a week and a half. And my arm feels good, but VERY weak. I was just wondering if anyone else had similar surgery and how long it took them to get back on their ride.
Big Show is going through that exact same thing right now. He had the surgery April 19th. The strenth is coming back just now, but no pain anymore. He is happy as hell! Hang in there, it gets better fast.
I'm sitting back and waiting. I've been putting off getting my bike off stands and putting the last few little pieces back on, as I don't want it sitting there ready to ride when I'm not ready. The worst part is that we had snow so late, that I lost a few weeks of riding from storms once I thought summer had finally come. Now Im off the bike again. It does seem to gett better fast though. And while I have no delusions about it beign right anytime soon, I'd at least like to be able to get an ok to ride.
Heal up and mount up.
If your arm allready feels pretty good then you are pretty damned lucky. My arm was strapped to my side for 2 weeks, then I had about a month of a sling, then a couple months of rehab starting with just hanging my arm down and swinging it gently side-side...

But, Mine was a traumatic dislocation, an attempt was made to reduce it in the field, with no avail and it landed me at Wilford Hall. Long story short 8 hours of Surgery later... It still hurt like hell... For a few weeks anyway.

It's still not right, I don't have full range of motion nor sensation along the interior portion of my and my two little fingers tingle...

So I guess my point is You should heal fine in no time and strength will return. Biggest help out there is competent physical therapy stick to it and you'll be GTG.
I had partial rotater cuff tear and they cleaned that up and removed some bone as well to avoid rubbing. My shoulder healed up pretty quick. I would say 10-14 days it was 80% better. Now it is pretty good. I have to get the other one done now. Partially torn rotator cuff and torn ligaments inside the joint so they have to go inside there to repair it. I am told that there is a possibility that I could be worse afterwards or lose some mobility so I am holding off on the left shoulder. Can't sleep on most nights and if I strain it doing something I am in a lot of pain for days until it calms down.

You will be fine though!! Good luck! Heal up quick my friend!
Girlfriend is still recovering and going to PT from her rotator cuff surgery. She’s been out of work for almost 2 months now & is still in pain.

Not sure if ya’ll remember her car accident last December?

Had the surgery two years ago. Depends how bad your shoulder was. I had two of the three tendons torn off the bone. My arm stayed tied to my body (no movement at all) for a month. Very poor circulation in the shoulder, so it takes a long time for everything to grow back together. It felt better after the first month or so, but it took over a year to get back to normal. Just take it slow, don't re-tear it and start all over.
I had mine done in june of 04...My bicep ligament popped out of place and tore some tendons in my arm and had been at it for years. I also had a small RC tear. Before that I was into power lifting and such. I had hurt in the military but the docs there sucked so I got into some "enhancements" and just built the muscle up. This masked the pain until my RC tore.

Anyho to answer your question after the surgery I was in a sling for about a week. Had little or no strength for about 2-3 weeks, in other words I was unable to hold my arm up for any given amount of time. I think it was about 2-4 months and the doc gave me the ok to lift and work out agin. But up until that I would be popping a sweat at physical therapy with only 3.5 and 5 lbs in each hand (I tore my cuff doing flies with 90lbs in each hand)

Give it time man. Let her heal. Dont rush it. I tried reaching for a dvd to quick and ended up tearing my bicep muscle. WORSE PAIN EVER!! Almost brought me to my knees for a bit. I say about 4-6 months and you should be running strong.
Yeah, I know I need to be careful. And Im trying. I have a lot of motion. I think mine was a pretty minor injury, aside from removing bone. I'm hoping everything heals well. I really want to be able to throw a baseball as one of my favorite activities is playing catch with my ex. (Probably where this all started last summer.) But in any case, getting on my bike, seems the more realistic goal.
I used to play softball...I gave it almost a year. Threw a ball once and have yet to throw again. I was/am scared that I would put some damage to it.....Cause it hurt to throw.
Dont say that. If I cant throw a ball this summer, Im going to be very saddened. I wonder if I can throw left handed......