pregnancy = get rid of your favorite toy??

OMG..this thread has SOOOO reminded me why I'll never have kids. Sorry to be a kill joy about the bundle, but jesus, the idea of having a kid and then having to get rid of my bike over the f'er...I can't begin to empathize, but I wanted to say, NO F"ING WAY am I selling my bike!

I can go you one better. Remind her pregnant ass that women with kids aren't NEARLY the hot commodity on the singles market that chicks WITHOUT kids are. That outta shut her up lol. :-)

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My oldlady would never ask me to sell my bikes.I came with em and i will leave with em.She also is into riding as much as i am[Has her own]I made sure of that this time around.Theres nothin worse than the were takin the bike again bullshid.
next you'll be wearing a skirt...just kidding. seriously...keep the bike, do more for her, your house, build /remodel, will help the two/ three of you, work harder, play harder. and remeber her hormones are going whacky right now. i went through almost getting a divorce cause i rode too much, i mean i was out ALLLLL the time. so i cut back, actually got to remodel the house with all the time spent home. sold it for MORE money and now i'm getting my busa feb 1st [house sale closing]. kid's are more responsibility, so you're gonna have to work harder, and busa will be your break from it all. my 2cents
Good lord... Diggin' up threads from August 2005.