***PING***  BIG O

Racer 222

The rider formerly known as Howlin_Mad
Donating Member
Big O,
Are you in training for Laguna Seca yet? I hope so. We will have to represent the So Cal area in the twisties. We will let Purplehaze handle the Straight away stuff. With that big bore kit on his bike he can scream.
Lets show them how it is done down here my man...

Marc "Howlin Mad"

Give me a solid weeks heads up and I will arrange a day off and we can hook up.
Hey Marc!,  As a matter of fact... I'm going out today.  I want to get out to Nickslick's neighborhood,  Mulholland, (6ft from the edge vid) Rock Store etc.  All twisty, all the time.

I have a weird schedule, I have Sun and Mon off but I work nights so Sun a.m. rides require me to take off Sat night.  I'll try to get a Sat night off so we can hook up Sun a.m.  If you want, you can come up here on a Sat, stay here then we can go to Angeles Crest, Mulholland, or some local rides close to my house.  Spunky Canyon, Boquet Canyon, Placerita Canyon, Francesquito Canyon, Sand Canyon, it's not called Canyon Country for nuthin'!  I'll try to get a Sat off soon and let you know.

yeah, we'll let Purplehaze have the straights, but then...
Yea you know I love that straight away stuff, I'm gonna have to work on flicking the Busa around, because I'm missing out on all the real fun.

Hey Big O, my brother-in-law lives up there in Canyon Country, next time I'm up that way I'll look you up.
Hey Marc!,  As a matter of fact... I'm going out today.  I want to get out to Nickslick's neighborhood,  Mulholland, (6ft from the edge vid) Rock Store etc.  All twisty, all the time.

I have a weird schedule, I have Sun and Mon off but I work nights so Sun a.m. rides require me to take off Sat night.  I'll try to get a Sat night off so we can hook up Sun a.m.  If you want, you can come up here on a Sat, stay here then we can go to Angeles Crest, Mulholland, or some local rides close to my house.  Spunky Canyon, Boquet Canyon, Placerita Canyon, Francesquito Canyon, Sand Canyon, it's not called Canyon Country for nuthin'!  I'll try to get a Sat off soon and let you know.

yeah, we'll let Purplehaze have the straights, but then...
Big O you should come down here! I have a couple of high speed roads that you would like! Plus I can take you up to the infamous Palomar Mountain! Hey during the week if fine for me as well. That is actually when I get most if any time off.

Marc "Howlin Mad"