Ok Rookie needs advice

I'm going to practice launching tomorrow on some backroad the race is friday night I'm nervous. I mentioned it to a few guys at work now it sounds like everyone in town is showing up to watch me run a 20 second 1/4.:laugh:
The #1 thing take you time and get used to the launch. This bike will bite you if ya aint used to it. I made my 1st runs just a few weeks ago.
Launch @ 4000 rpms
shift @ 7000
tire psi @ 30
unfortunately I only got into 3rd and the engine cut out. I later discovered that I didnt adjust the kill box for the air shifter correctly. I didnt have enuff kill time for the ignition and it stalled the engine.
List of mods:
Brocks front lowering strap( this will keep the front end down and less likely to wheelie)
Brocks clutch mod( this replaces the back torque limiter in the clutch)
Cycle Tech air shifter
Brocks rear lowering links tyhis will adjust the rear ride hieght.
Brocks alienhead slip ons.

Just remember slip the clutch like you would as if you were taking off from a traffic light and DONT just DUMP the clutch cuz you will end up on your @$$..
One thing that has helped me was getting on the bike in full gear, closing my eyes and try to imagine your at the starting line. Go thru the motions of launching the bike,ease out on the clutch as you give it more throttle and then wide on as you adjust you position and get into your tuck and then get ready to shift into 2nd gear. This exercise will help you get your hands and feet coordination so it becomes a natural motion and you can do it without really thinking about it.
Have fun and good luck
:thumbsup:try to make a few singles if the tracks not to busy, lining up aganst another bike brings on a hole new set of nerves!, reel easy to forget every thing you were told