Ok i'm askin'...


revolution custom paint
Donating Member
i've seen post "pinging" members, what does "ping" mean
It comes from the network utility "ping".  Used to test network connectivity.  Typically if you can ping a box it means you (the machine that you are pinging from) and the box you are pinging are connected to the network.

Try it out.  Assuming you have a Windows box, Click Start | Run.  Type in "cmd".  A good ole-fashioned DOS window pops up.  Type:

  ping localhost {ENTER}

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It really comes from way back when submarines used a ping sound as radar, to tell when other ships and subs were near. Remember those old movies? Then came computers and pinging networks like explained above. Now people do it to eachother to find eachother.

Another thing you'll find in forums is people posting 'bump' which basically doesn't do anything but move the thread back to the top for whatever reason.
It comes from the network utility "ping". Used to test network connectivity. Typically if you can ping a box it means you (the machine that you are pinging from) and the box you are pinging are connected to the network.

Try it out. Assuming you have a Windows box, Click Start | Run. Type in "cmd". A good ole-fashioned DOS window pops up. Type:

ping localhost {ENTER}
You said Box...

But I think BBBB gets the award here...

Ping as in SONAR PING I belive is the very beginning..
Mike Muuss wrote the program in December, 1983, as a tool to troubleshoot odd behavior on an IP network. He named it after the pulses of sound made by a sonar.
Later David L. Mills provided a backronym, "Packet Internet Grouper (Groper)", also by other people "Packed Internet Gopher", after the small rodents.

From Wikipedia

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RADAR stands for RAdio Detection And Ranging. there is nothing that deals with pinging with radar.

SONAR stand for SOund NAvigation Ranging.

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It's like ringing someone's door bell, or saying "hey, answer your phone"
"Give me a ping, Vasilly. One ping only."

"Pinging" has also become one of the new buzz words for IM'ing at work- I actually want to tell my coworkers how g@y they sound saying it, when doing a PING is really to check a box on the network to make sure it's talking to the other machines..

I work in AD, so you can imagine how corny it sounds to hear someone say "ping" and then say "oh uh no, I meant the other thing- the IM thing".
