Oh Ya, got the new tobin seat in


Off topic but i see a Salt water tank in the back ground.. I collect fish to.. is that your only tank?
No that is not the only one. (fishtank) That one is a 40 gal, I have some sea enenemies, Live rock, construction gobies, and 3 different dammsels (2 blue, and 1 domino). Then the one that is in my computer room is a 125 gal fresh water (brackish water) tank, I have a plecasimus (?spelling), about 9 different sichilids, 2 puffers, a ghost knife fish, dragon goby, 2 spotted catfish, some other goby (not sure about the name)

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I just sent all of the stuff off to get chrome yesterday, it is supposed to get to Classic Components tomorrow (thursday). I decided on getting the rims, swingarm, rear hub, rear brake hanger, brake torque arm, triple tree cover, right and left side engine cover, counter sprocket cover, kickstand, kickstand bracket, mirror block plates (and bolts), I decided against sending the gas cap and peg assy, instead I ordered the Vortex Gas cap and Vortex rear sets. I will see how shiny those are, I may still end up getting those done. I am going to try to get on polishing the frame and the rotors within the next couple of weeks.
Guys and Girls, I am new to the website, and was just looking at that wicked orange bike, VERY nice.

Rich I see you are from the Fairfield area, I used to live in Vacaville, still have some friends that live there. Cool place.

How can a guy get ahold of Tobin. HE does some nice work, I need a custom seat.
He seems to be a pretty busy guy. I just gave him a call. There was his cell posted on one of the threads. On the Merchandise page.
Rich, thanks for the Tobin post, I talked to him today. Sounds like I will be getting a seat.

I ride a 00 turbo, custom paint with chrome wheels, stretched, shinko, air shifter, polished frame.

Very fun bike.:)

Tried to post picts, but it says pict too big.
To post the pic all you have to do is right click on the pic and then hit "open with" click paint, then on the top bar of paint hit "image" then "stretch/skew". Then where it says 100% (two spots) change them to 75% and then "save as" type in name then open up pic right click pic, click properties and check the size, it must be smaller than 409600