Needing to vent - Lockdown again (apologies to all)

Bezos' dong is pretty big. And it can penetrate space.

Here's a real display of hypocricy and dodging direct questions from Sen. Cassidy, CDC spokeswoman in the hot seat . . must watch.
Let them come to round up the guns.
Many of us will be happy to hand ours over to the round at a time.
No government is that is far too late for the US to try any sort of gun control unless they make it impossible to get any new guns (which isn't realistic).

There are just too many weapons in citizens hands for the government to ever get control of them and they know it. Here in Canada our government has made it illegal to own specific weapons, for now we can own them but can't sell, trade or use them in any capacity. There is talk of a buy-back process but the anti-gun advisors (activists) are opposed to that. I know for a fact there will be many "illegal" weapons go into hiding and the government will never see them.

We have no second amendment to protect us here and although this weapon ban was imposed during our lockdown without parliamentary debate, it was pushed through quickly. The anti-gun committee is chaired by a survivor of a shooting so is automatically jaded. This person has no clue that the weapons being used in violent crime are not those of legal gun owners but this all falls on deaf ears.
shame on Canada

student arrested for not wearing mask and not vaxxed

At least the kid didn't fight...we don't know the background story, only the video of the response, maybe he was spitting on people or was told many times to either mask up or leave and he ignored them....what else can they do, the educational staff can't go hands on and if the cops arrive, the chances of getting put into hand cuffs is very, very good...

I say good on them for doing what was necessary to send a message, there are rules and they need to be followed for not just the safely of the rule breaker but for those around him...

if this guy had done anything else which broke the rules and was hand-cuffed, not a word would be said.
At least the kid didn't fight...we don't know the background story, only the video of the response, maybe he was spitting on people or was told many times to either mask up or leave and he ignored them....what else can they do, the educational staff can't go hands on and if the cops arrive, the chances of getting put into hand cuffs is very, very good...

I say good on them for doing what was necessary to send a message, there are rules and they need to be followed for not just the safely of the rule breaker but for those around him...

if this guy had done anything else which broke the rules and was hand-cuffed, not a word would be said.
After hearing the words of Dr Fauci on a number of occasions its very doubtful the mask do anything in so far as protecting anyone. The size of the virus is smaller that the filtering minimum of any mask you are likely to see people wearing.
Covid 19 is an attack on humanity with the most edicts and fear mongering propaganda we have seen so far. The science around this infectious disease has anomalies that show us something isn't right.

The people behind it have no issues with killing people... Comply or die, they don't care. Who are "they"? The protected class with power and influence that think bribery and blackmail are perfect for getting what they want.

Remember, in the beginning children were not considered to be at risk... now... they want 3 year olds and older to get the jab and mask up. The whole covid thing is another example of tyranny and ridiculous rule making.
After hearing the words of Dr Fauci on a number of occasions its very doubtful the mask do anything in so far as protecting anyone. The size of the virus is smaller that the filtering minimum of any mask you are likely to see people wearing.
Covid 19 is an attack on humanity with the most edicts and fear mongering propaganda we have seen so far. The science around this infectious disease has anomalies that show us something isn't right.

The people behind it have no issues with killing people... Comply or die, they don't care. Who are "they"? The protected class with power and influence that think bribery and blackmail are perfect for getting what they want.

Remember, in the beginning children were not considered to be at risk... now... they want 3 year olds and older to get the jab and mask up. The whole covid thing is another example of tyranny and ridiculous rule making.
In this particular instance, the kid was told to do something and he felt he was the one who decides the rules and which one he felt like following....if the teachers sat back and let him do whatever he wanted, what would he learn exactly?

He learned a valuable lesson, follow the rules and comply or there are repercussions for not doing so. We as adults face this each and every time we start up our vehicles to drive somewhere, or go to our workplaces (when I had one). We as humans live in a society of other humans and it is necessary to comply with the rules society has set out. When someone doesn't feel they should comply with these rules, this is why a police force has been made-to maintain order within a societal based environment-this kid just learned that...maybe he'll retain this memory for next time.

Too may of these "woke" people trying to run the world.
In this particular instance, the kid was told to do something and he felt he was the one who decides the rules and which one he felt like following....if the teachers sat back and let him do whatever he wanted, what would he learn exactly?

He learned a valuable lesson, follow the rules and comply or there are repercussions for not doing so. We as adults face this each and every time we start up our vehicles to drive somewhere, or go to our workplaces (when I had one). We as humans live in a society of other humans and it is necessary to comply with the rules society has set out. When someone doesn't feel they should comply with these rules, this is why a police force has been made-to maintain order within a societal based environment-this kid just learned that...maybe he'll retain this memory for next time.

Too may of these "woke" people trying to run the world.
Their is a big difference between following the laws as they are written and the edicts coming from an administration that is hell bent on indoctrinating everyone they can to get a high level of obedience based on so called "science".

People have short memories... remember Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" where he claimed the poles were going to melt and sea levels were going to rise to intolerable levels in the next 10 years and displace millions of people whose property is now under water or in peril from storms?

See... it was all BS and now we have a continuation of the fraud called "Climate Change".

Same crap, different day. We don't have the real accurate record of this planets weather history do we? Actual record keeping of temperatures around the world have only been with us for about 150 years, Even though other evidence exist of ice ages and other long term weather patterns the Sun's cycles were never entered into the equation of temperature changes on the planet. The Sun goes through cycles that affect our Earths temperatures.

All this climate change narrative is about carbon tax and finding a new way to tax ( steal ) our money that we work for if we own a business or have a job. Climate Change is the new Inconvenient truth scam.

Polluting the worlds oceans rank much higher in terms of the threat to the eco system in my opinion.