Naked man tasered

To be in LE should require a 4 year degree. Many people lack good decision making skills (under stress or whatever) but when that person is given this amount of power people can die and that is UNACCEPTABLE.
That is so very sad.

I understand that law enforcement officers have to protect themselves and others, but when dealing with the emotionally and mentally troubeled they have to realize that there are seperate and different issues at stake that do not automatically make these people criminals. This was a senseless death.

Unfortunately law enforcement gets the call to handle mental persons instead of mental health. My point being law enforcement officers are often thrown into situations that would be better handled by responsible parents, mental health officials, marriage counselors, priest, rabbis, and the list goes on. The people we deal with aren't always criminals.

For whatever reason it seems wrong that this incident went down the way it did.

Tasers are a great tool and have saved thousands of lives I'm sure. However they, like all tools have limits. It would be a mistake for this tool to be removed.
So are you saying that the officers intent was to kill this man? That is how I am taking your comments. Those comments along with a signature of "never pull over" tells me that you immediately assume the worst whenever it comes to police actions.

I don't know all of the details, and won't learn all of the details from watching a poorly shot video from a cell phone. I don't know what the conversation was between the Lt and the officer who deployed the taser. Plenty of unanswered questions. At the end of the day it is a tragic event that never should have happened, it was a poor decision. Claiming it was anything more and that the officer actually intended for the man to die may be a hard one to prove.

ok i cant help myself.....

are you for real? or are you playing devil's advocate

sounds as if you cant come to grips with the fact that this leo just committed involuntary manslaughter...i would be in jail not at home eating donuts watching the news
ok i cant help myself.....

are you for real? or are you playing devil's advocate

sounds as if you cant come to grips with the fact that this leo just committed involuntary manslaughter...i would be in jail not at home eating donuts watching the news

But it is not your JOB to deal with the mentally unbalanced, dangerous, grugged up, pure evil part of society on a daily basis.

Officers have sworn to "Serve And Protect" and will do this by any means necessary.

Maybe for whatever reason it was UNSAFE to go UP there and get him DOWN!

We don't know all of the circumstances, and the media is...shall i say...pretty unreliable on their information.;)

Besides..."I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6..." ;)

We just don't know the entirety of the situation...from the info they DO provide us, he had a lapse in judgement...but we don't know the ENTIRE SITUATION...

*takes deep breath, and lets out slowly*
But it is not your JOB to deal with the mentally unbalanced, dangerous, grugged up, pure evil part of society on a daily basis.

Officers have sworn to "Serve And Protect" and will do this by any means necessary.

Maybe for whatever reason it was UNSAFE to go UP there and get him DOWN!

We don't know all of the circumstances, and the media is...shall i say...pretty unreliable on their information.;)

Besides..."I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6..." ;)

We just don't know the entirety of the situation...from the info they DO provide us, he had a lapse in judgement...but we don't know the ENTIRE SITUATION...

*takes deep breath, and lets out slowly*

it is my job to deal with all of the above ppl except the pure evil part of society..i have worked in medical (pharmacy)in an Army hospital for over 11 yrs. we deal with the best and the worst my friend. so dont get it twisted and get a holier than thou attitude. the cops are supposed to be trained for these situations. they should be held to a higher standard of conduct than the average joe. if we cant trust them to handle it appropriately, who can we trust?

this is not to say that all cops are bad. i think a great deal of them are great at their job. but wouldn't any cop want to disassociate themselves with cops like this instead of defend them?

not to mention i think the video is clear enough to see what needs to be seen, and they have admitted wrong doings on the officers part.

now take another breath my friend its gonna be a long haul
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So are you saying that the officers intent was to kill this man? That is how I am taking your comments. Those comments along with a signature of "never pull over" tells me that you immediately assume the worst whenever it comes to police actions.

I don't know all of the details, and won't learn all of the details from watching a poorly shot video from a cell phone. I don't know what the conversation was between the Lt and the officer who deployed the taser. Plenty of unanswered questions. At the end of the day it is a tragic event that never should have happened, it was a poor decision. Claiming it was anything more and that the officer actually intended for the man to die may be a hard one to prove.
Who knows what the cops intent was but im not blind and i sure wouldent taser an unarmed person on a 20 foot ledge with 50,000 volts that forgot to take his medication with nothing beneath him but concrete.
The video tells it all.
That cop knew what he was doing.
Accidents like that just DONT happen.
ya and in the end i dont get it, i mean the guy swingin' a light bulb with big jim & the twins flopin' around so why would the cops even think they need to taser him to begin with, its not the end of the world its just a light bulb...jezzz
it is my job to deal with all of the above ppl except the pure evil part of society..i have worked in medical (pharmacy)in an Army hospital for over 11 yrs. we deal with the best and the worst my friend. so dont get it twisted and get a holier than thou attitude. the cops are supposed to be trained for these situations. they should be held to a higher standard of conduct than the average joe. if we cant trust them to handle it appropriately, who can we trust?

this is not to say that all cops are bad. i think a great deal of them are great at their job. but wouldn't any cop want to disassociate themselves with cops like this instead of defend them?

not to mention i think the video is clear enough to see what needs to be seen, and they have admitted wrong doings on the officers part.

now take another breath my friend its gonna be a long haul

I don't have a holier than thou attitude, I just don't like people that put "all" cops in the same (ignorant) stereotype.

I agree, the taser in this case was probably not needed, but again, I wouldn't second guess another officer's actions because I wasn't there.

Cops are people too, and make mistakes as everyone has...(however, mistakes shouldn't result in the loss of life of course).

I just don't want people anywhere (not even on this board) putting all of LE into a stereotype.

There are a lot of GREAT men and women who wear the badge, but as in all careers, walks of life, areas, etc. "there is always a bad apple in the bunch."

Sorry if I came across as "holier than thou," (because heaven know's I'M NOT)...hehehe.:laugh:
That officer should lose his job and face criminal charges. Man on ledge falls from muscles tightening up only to hit an Hard surface. WTF! 10' drop isn't so bad,but to add the fact that the muscles are constricting. Man had about no chance. Man wasn't going anywhere anytime soon so they could of called in for airbags etc...

Even if the mother wasn't there to tell them he was in a bad mental state,Him being naked should of gave a sign!

I have a few friends in the LE. Do I consider them good people... YES, "BUT" I have witness them and listen in on stories of LE overstepping their bounds many of times. It's amazing the stories told at When the LE get together for one of their Birthdays.

"We protect our own" A.K.A. A ride home instead of behind bars for being over the legal limit.
I'd like to know the truth about what was going through that officer's mind when he shot the taser. It probably wouldn't be honorable.
The officer should face charges for manslaughter. All of us would without a doubt. It doesnt matter what our "job" is
ok i cant help myself.....

are you for real? or are you playing devil's advocate

sounds as if you cant come to grips with the fact that this leo just committed involuntary manslaughter...i would be in jail not at home eating donuts watching the news

First off I have stated that I would never, ever, deploy a Taser in a situation such as this. With that I also believe NOBODY should have done so. In no way have I, or will I try, to justify this as a good thing. Also at no point have I stated those involved should not face criminal charges. What many of you don't understand is that in many areas for criminal charges to be brought against an officer for an act such as this you have to PROVE that the officer's actions were "willful and wanton". This may be one of those times they do that, but I don't have all the facts to say and neither do any of the rest of you calling for the lynching. Another thing is that situations such as this are judged on the totality of the circumstances AT THAT TIME, not what we learned or have learned since the incident occured. No playing monday morning quarterback here, you have to look at it from the perspective the officers did, not what everyone else finds out days later. Again, for those of you that don't understand this, it doesn't mean I'm supporting or condoning the actions of these guys.

Second, many of you would take this officer out and string him up today just from what you have seen on a short and poor video clip. Of which I will add has been edited as we did not see the whole clip all the way through. One section shows the man being tasered then another section shows an officer aiming the taser. We have not heard any of the radio traffic between the officers invovled, which should be recorded somewhere and I'm sure will be used to determine what has happened here. Many who rush to judgement have never dealt with a situation such as this either. Another thing to keep in mind is that there is a drug called PCP that will also make people do things such as this (naked in public) and they can be very violent, aggressive and dangerous. I agree this still would not justify using a Taser on someone on an elevated surface. Point I'm making here is that we do NOT have all of the story yet some are willing to hang those involved on the spot. Some of you are doing exactly what you claim the police do, jump to conclusions and form an opinion before getting all of the facts and getting them straight.

If at the end of the day the evidence suggests the officers be charged with involuntary manslaughter then I back that call and say the guys involved deserve it. If at the end of the day the evidence shows different I support that as well. I'm just trying to say we don't have all the facts needed.
First off I have stated that I would never, ever, deploy a Taser in a situation such as this. With that I also believe NOBODY should have done so. In no way have I, or will I try, to justify this as a good thing. Also at no point have I stated those involved should not face criminal charges. What many of you don't understand is that in many areas for criminal charges to be brought against an officer for an act such as this you have to PROVE that the officer's actions were "willful and wanton". This may be one of those times they do that, but I don't have all the facts to say and neither do any of the rest of you calling for the lynching. Another thing is that situations such as this are judged on the totality of the circumstances AT THAT TIME, not what we learned or have learned since the incident occured. No playing monday morning quarterback here, you have to look at it from the perspective the officers did, not what everyone else finds out days later. Again, for those of you that don't understand this, it doesn't mean I'm supporting or condoning the actions of these guys.

Second, many of you would take this officer out and string him up today just from what you have seen on a short and poor video clip. Of which I will add has been edited as we did not see the whole clip all the way through. One section shows the man being tasered then another section shows an officer aiming the taser. We have not heard any of the radio traffic between the officers invovled, which should be recorded somewhere and I'm sure will be used to determine what has happened here. Many who rush to judgement have never dealt with a situation such as this either. Another thing to keep in mind is that there is a drug called PCP that will also make people do things such as this (naked in public) and they can be very violent, aggressive and dangerous. I agree this still would not justify using a Taser on someone on an elevated surface. Point I'm making here is that we do NOT have all of the story yet some are willing to hang those involved on the spot. Some of you are doing exactly what you claim the police do, jump to conclusions and form an opinion before getting all of the facts and getting them straight.

If at the end of the day the evidence suggests the officers be charged with involuntary manslaughter then I back that call and say the guys involved deserve it. If at the end of the day the evidence shows different I support that as well. I'm just trying to say we don't have all the facts needed.
CTA has some very valid points. Before you string him up let all the information out.

I will give you a short story I was indirectly involved with.

I was standing watch while I was in the Navy, doing Base Police stuff. At the gate one of the other gaurds encountered a combative and seemingly drunk person. When he asked for his ID the person tried to walk by. He restrained him, the guy fought, he maced him and cuffed him. Pretty standard.

Unfortunately the guy was not military, he was diabetic, and having blood sugar issues. So the story was told that "Military maces diabetic man". If you went by the news report it sounded like the gate gaurd beat a preschooler for fun and set his head on fire.

I don't condone the use of the taser in this situation. It was definitly a bad judgment call. He was not thinking correctly, although I don't believe it to be a malicious thing. He was probably poorly trained in dealing with mentally unstable people ( a couple hours in class does not make you ready to handle a fully crazy person) and was doing what he thought was best to end the situation.

Either way, don't hang a man on the media reports. Let the information flow out and then see what you think once we have the whole story. Not the media portrayal.
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it is my job to deal with all of the above ppl except the pure evil part of society..i have worked in medical (pharmacy)in an Army hospital for over 11 yrs. we deal with the best and the worst my friend. so dont get it twisted and get a holier than thou attitude. the cops are supposed to be trained for these situations. they should be held to a higher standard of conduct than the average joe. if we cant trust them to handle it appropriately, who can we trust?

this is not to say that all cops are bad. i think a great deal of them are great at their job. but wouldn't any cop want to disassociate themselves with cops like this instead of defend them?

not to mention i think the video is clear enough to see what needs to be seen, and they have admitted wrong doings on the officers part.

now take another breath my friend its gonna be a long haul
I agree 100%
Yes cta busa. That is what is supposed to happen in court. No matter what happens to this officer prevention is better than cure. I wish this situation could result better preparation and decision making skills for officers in the future. But it probably will not. Again this situation is just horrible.

"Power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely" lord acton
How can you say you hope he loses his job? Like everyone else said, there IS more to this story than we know, and you people are already all about firing him and throwing him in jail.

It was a mistake, a bad judgement call. NYPD has admitted fault....the officer who shot him with the taser was following direction from a Lieutenant, so who is really to blame?
too many people rush to judgment.

Go out and start a career in LE and strap on a bullet proof vest, gun or three, work all night, weekends and holidays away from your family.
Put up with the azz wipes in the world.... you don't normally have to deal with law abiding people...duh..
Go to funerals for partners and friends.
Get to see many dead and dismembered bodies.
Get cussed at, spit at, shot at, wonder if the next car you stop or person you meet will kill you.
Avoid getting run over on the side of the road all day. Notify families when their love ones get killed.
The list can go on for a long time.

Then sit here and read people criticize a video they see on the net. Who have never done the job.

i do this for a living and I won't second guess this, they are enough people that where there will investigate it.