Naked man tasered


Totally unnecessary.


You can't write that crap into a movie has to be real-life.
What was the cop thinking that tasered this guy? Cops think they can do whatever they want, i hope he lost his job. - Video Library

Hey man, be careful in making that assessment. Not ALL cops are bad, in fact, MOST of them are great people.

Basing from the video, the Lt. made an incorrect judgement, but that doesn't mean that ALL cops are "power hungry, taser wielding, trigger happy...etc."

LE gets a bad rap EVERY time a taser is deployed...EVEN if the cop is in the RIGHT!

From what I see in this video, da popo was in the wrong...but 1.)We don't know ALL the circumstances...and 2.)No matter WHAT LE does, they never get a "good job, congrats, etc."

I'm getting tired of everyone complaining about LE CONSTANTLY (however, I do realize that this Lt. was in the wrong if the circumstances are how the media portray's them in the vid.)

There was a story about a psychotic kid (i think in his 20's), but he shot a Police K9 and the officers gunned him down...the media and the parents said..."Why would they kill our/their son over a DOG?"

Well, lets see here...(after the dog, WHO'S NEXT!?)???

I feel bad for the family/friends of THIS man tho, I do (from what the video portrays) believe the Lt. was in the wrong...but then again, the media tends to leave "important information" out from time-to-time.

End of rant...sorry...:laugh:
That is so very sad.

I understand that law enforcement officers have to protect themselves and others, but when dealing with the emotionally and mentally troubeled they have to realize that there are seperate and different issues at stake that do not automatically make these people criminals. This was a senseless death.
That is so very sad.

I understand that law enforcement officers have to protect themselves and others, but when dealing with the emotionally and mentally troubeled they have to realize that there are seperate and different issues at stake that do not automatically make these people criminals. This was a senseless death.

Well said, (they've even got special training for this now). :sarcasm:
Hey man, be careful in making that assessment. Not ALL cops are bad, in fact, MOST of them are great people.

Basing from the video, the Lt. made an incorrect judgement, but that doesn't mean that ALL cops are "power hungry, taser wielding, trigger happy...etc."

LE gets a bad rap EVERY time a taser is deployed...EVEN if the cop is in the RIGHT!

From what I see in this video, da popo was in the wrong...but 1.)We don't know ALL the circumstances...and 2.)No matter WHAT LE does, they never get a "good job, congrats, etc."

I'm getting tired of everyone complaining about LE CONSTANTLY (however, I do realize that this Lt. was in the wrong if the circumstances are how the media portray's them in the vid.)

There was a story about a psychotic kid (i think in his 20's), but he shot a Police K9 and the officers gunned him down...the media and the parents said..."Why would they kill our/their son over a DOG?"

Well, lets see here...(after the dog, WHO'S NEXT!?)???

I feel bad for the family/friends of THIS man tho, I do (from what the video portrays) believe the Lt. was in the wrong...but then again, the media tends to leave "important information" out from time-to-time.

End of rant...sorry...:laugh:
Your right, most cops are good but there's a lot of bad.
I don't know where you come from but where i come from there's a lot of bad cops.
This was totally uncalled for, and completely unessary... A bad decission was made and a death resulted.
Your right, most cops are good but there's a lot of bad.
I don't know where you come from but where i come from there's a lot of bad cops.

I feel sorry for you having bad law-enforcement. I've never met one I haven't cared for yet.

Shame on them if they are as you say, (but from what i've been subjected to so far, people don't like being held accountable for the wrongs they've done).

I'm NOT talking about you, (i've got friends that drink and drive, drink underage, etc.)

Not very many people like to be held accountable and are like f-da police, if they have ONE bad encounter...but when they need help...(who do they call)?:laugh:

Come-on...three guesses, and the first two don't count.

But I do agree, this Lt. was in the wrong, they should've had a way to catch him safely when the Taser was deployed.:beerchug:
BTW, I'm from KS billy, never come in contact with a bad cop.

But I don't know about Minneapolis however...???
Just for curiosity purposes, in your opinion...(BillyBusa), what would define a "bad" cop????

Just out of curiosity...;)
I feel sorry for you having bad law-enforcement. I've never met one I haven't cared for yet.

Shame on them if they are as you say, (but from what i've been subjected to so far, people don't like being held accountable for the wrongs they've done).

I'm NOT talking about you, (i've got friends that drink and drive, drink underage, etc.)

Not very many people like to be held accountable and are like f-da police, if they have ONE bad encounter...but when they need help...(who do they call)?:laugh:

Come-on...three guesses, and the first two don't count.

But I do agree, this Lt. was in the wrong, they should've had a way to catch him safely when the Taser was deployed.:beerchug:
Well said.
Poor decision making is what this is. This lies directly on the officers involved and has nothing to do with Taser Internationals product. I would never, ever, consider deploying taser in that situation unless there were steps in place to cushion the fall. Common sense would tell anyone this was a bad idea, guess it isn't so common any more. There will most likely be a huge lawsuit from this one and I hate to say it but it will be more than justified. I've been shot with a Taser, took a voluntary hit from the X26, have to always assume the person is going to fall, I know I did when hit with it, just like a tree, no bending of the knees, flexing at the hips etc. Hurts like Hell, felt like God just reached down and thumped me is the best way to describe it.

I've carried a Taser for almost five years now and have yet had to deploy it, granted the last several years I have worked investigations and do not respond to calls like the patrol guys do. I have however had numerous times where I have drawn and aimed the Taser and it is a wonderful deterent in the hands of the right officers.
Can't comment, this is a motorcycle forum, Hayabusa if I remember correctly.
Or is it a bash the police forum now?
I am leaving if we changed it to I hate
Just for curiosity purposes, in your opinion...(BillyBusa), what would define a "bad" cop????

Just out of curiosity...;)
A cop that thinks he's above the law and uses his authority in a negative way thinking he's a bad ass when in reality he is nothing but a punk.:whistle:
Poor decision making is what this is. This lies directly on the officers involved and has nothing to do with Taser Internationals product. I would never, ever, consider deploying taser in that situation unless there were steps in place to cushion the fall. Common sense would tell anyone this was a bad idea, guess it isn't so common any more. There will most likely be a huge lawsuit from this one and I hate to say it but it will be more than justified. I've been shot with a Taser, took a voluntary hit from the X26, have to always assume the person is going to fall, I know I did when hit with it, just like a tree, no bending of the knees, flexing at the hips etc. Hurts like Hell, felt like God just reached down and thumped me is the best way to describe it.

I've carried a Taser for almost five years now and have yet had to deploy it, granted the last several years I have worked investigations and do not respond to calls like the patrol guys do. I have however had numerous times where I have drawn and aimed the Taser and it is a wonderful deterent in the hands of the right officers.
Poor decision making??? ? From what i saw on that video it looks a little more than just poor decision making.
Poor decision making??? ? From what i saw on that video it looks a little more than just poor decision making.

Ok, I'm game, so what is it that you saw on the video and if it is more than poor decison making what do you describe it as being?
I think the officer could have put a bucket of water under him, or a cardboard box. Or one of those large ACME springs they use on the Roadrunner cartoons.
Ok, I'm game, so what is it that you saw on the video and if it is more than poor decison making what do you describe it as being?
I see a man on a very high ledge above the ground, I see nothing underneath to catch his fall.
I see a police man with his taser pointed at the man on the very high ledge with nothing underneath to catch the mans fall.
C'mon, what did the cop think was going to happen?
It was more than a bad decision.
The cop knew exactly what was going to happen.
I see a man on a very high ledge above the ground, I see nothing underneath to catch his fall.
I see a police man with his taser pointed at the man on the very high ledge with nothing underneath to catch the mans fall.
C'mon, what did the cop think was going to happen?
It was more than a bad decision.
The cop knew exactly what was going to happen.

So are you saying that the officers intent was to kill this man? That is how I am taking your comments. Those comments along with a signature of "never pull over" tells me that you immediately assume the worst whenever it comes to police actions.

I don't know all of the details, and won't learn all of the details from watching a poorly shot video from a cell phone. I don't know what the conversation was between the Lt and the officer who deployed the taser. Plenty of unanswered questions. At the end of the day it is a tragic event that never should have happened, it was a poor decision. Claiming it was anything more and that the officer actually intended for the man to die may be a hard one to prove.