Motorcycle dealer dies doing what he loved

Haha! Excellent point of view.....

Uh not actually...:stoopid:
You can do relatively hazards things safely (Scuba diving, skydiving, track riding)
without going to the point of absurdity.

Riding without gear is like jumping out of a plane with really old worn parachute
because it's "your choice" and it's just dumb luck if it opens or not...
oh well :whistle: at least he died skydiving...he did love it. :banghead:

Riding any motorcycle without gear is stupid period...
riding a 186 mph cruise missle without gear is just ridiculously stupid.

I don't think the details of the accident have been made known and even so
we may never know if he would have survived or not with gear, the point is
actually moot at this time and the irony remains.

Can't believe me and Dino actually agree on something :p: time to go check
for an eclipse. :thumbsup:

People die in chryslers too...the point is to take precautions and
YOU LOVE AND THAT LOVE YOU. (and the rest of us)
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I am not about to denegrate anyone for being killed on their motorcycle for not wearing a helmet. We mourn the passing of all. If what was told to me, the recounting of the accident details then all the gear in the world (especially a bowl or half shell) would not of saved Bruce. I've interviewed him, he was an icon and his vision of Destination Daytona has saved Daytona from it's founding fathers. He was involved in many charities and will be sadly missed. My prayers go to the family. Wardie
The man is dead and some of you are pizzing on his grave.You're just showing everyone how disrespectful you are.Get off your high horse it's a long fall.
The man is dead and some of you are pizzing on his grave.You're just showing everyone how disrespectful you are.Get off your high horse it's a long fall.

I agree. If we want a gear thread then we need to make a gear thread to have this discussion.

The point of this thread was to mourn the passing of a local motorcycle legend. If any of you accomplish a fraction of what this man has accomplished in your life time then most of you would be beating your own chest and saying look at me look at me. He was very humble and expected nothing in return for his charitible deeds.

NO ONE has the right to judge this man except God himself and I for one am 100% sure he walked straight thru those pearly gates with a big atta boy...

RIP, you will be missed as well as celebrated from this time forward in the local motorcycle community.
Can't believe me and Dino actually agree on something :p: time to go check
for an eclipse. :thumbsup:

I was thinking the same thing and I am happy that one of the things we do agree upon is this important topic. :thumbsup:

I see a lot of people who seem to miss the point. No one is saying this Gentileman was not a good guy. I believe he was. But he left a lot of people behind because he wass selfish. That is not being disrespectful that is just being factual.

The point is, we often morn the loss of riders, but we rarely step back and learn from there mistakes. If fact there are posts that defend their mistakes; that is the ultimate disrespect to the fallen rider.
Everytime someone dies or is seriously hurt doing something that everyone on this site loves, we all feel the loss and and it damages our love of riding. We choose to do something that carries its own set of risks and rewards. We constantly must assess whether riding is worth the potential cost to life and limb and our responsibilities to our family and friends. Most of us ride for recreation, not because its our primary transportation. To this end we must not judge others and their personal choices, but take solace in the knowledge that they knew the risks and accepted them in pursuit of the happiness and fulfiment that comes from riding motorcycles. If someone knows the risks and personally accepts that risk they reap the reward, that is what freedom and liberty is all about. It is what we hold dear as Americans. Remember you may think riding without a helmet is "stupid" - keep in mind that alot of folks think owning a motorcycle that can go 186 mph is stupid and should be illegal. Its all relevant! As long as someone is not hurting others and understands the risks I believe we should not second guess their actions.

My condolences to the family and friends, may you take solace in the great joy motorcycles and riding obviously brought to this man...
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As long as someone is not hurting others and understands the risks I believe we should not second guess their actions.


Do you think no one is hurt when your choice to not wear gear ends in your death? Again this is why it is a selfish choice.
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passing at the wrong time was a bad choice, not wearing gear was a selfish choice.
Posted via Mobile Device

OOps~!~ Dino's :hijack: again.

Maaan, the fella's dead. Let him RIP and get over yourself~!~

You don't have to take over everyone's thread to preach about gear.

Saying your piece is one thing but taking the entire thread to make sure every on God's green earth here's you every time you say it is just plain wrong~!~!~!~

You preach about it so much that I ( a firm believer in wearing gear from head to toe) am turned so much against your beliefs it's not even funny, just because of the way you present it.

The gear is there. Say it one time Dino. If they want to wear it great. Don't try to control their every day living and make them do it. Hijacking everyone's threads is simply not needed.