More Shirts to Order


Dis in my way!
Staff member
I just went through the shirts that I have in stock and I am looking to you guys to help me make a decision. I am not looking for promises to buy or anything like that, but I am running low on a few of the sizes. I have about 300 shirts here when you add all the sizes from all 3 designs. Shirt orders have been down noticeably and I am wondering if I need to order any more shirts or just let what I have run out. Like I said in the past I don't want to have 300 hayabusa shirts that I can't get rid of. Is there any interest still out there or have we clothed all the busa riders? Let me know your thoughts.

Still interested in some black ones, but (still) have to wait a while.
Hey Cap.......I want two shirts but I only need here's the deal......I'm gonna take a picture of a peice of machinery on the farm here.....and the "first" post that tells me
exactly what it is...They get the shirt.
I'll pay for them through paypal......"just set up a new accnt..
hopefully they work out better this time"!!!!
So I'll pay for both on my accnt then you can mail one to me and the other to the winner.
Winner pics what size and what one he wants.
I'm not playin a stupid little game here or nothin just don't need two shirts...and thought it would be nice to give one away.
Tell me if it's alright with you Cap.......won't do it till I get yer OK.
Narcissus send me your address I got you covered man, you have done a lot for the site. What style, what color, what size..... Let me know


Monster feel free to do what you want, but do NOT order two shirts because you think that I need the money. Its not about the money, its about looking like peewee herman and wearing the same shirt every day from now on.

Narcissus send me your address I got you covered man, you have done a lot for the site. What style, what color, what size..... Let me know


Monster feel free to do what you want, but do NOT order two shirts because you think that I need the money. Its not about the money, its about looking like peewee herman and wearing the same shirt every day from now on.

Thanks Cap....I'll see if I can take the pic tomorrow.
I'll send you a private e-mail besides the one that I just sent and tell you the name I'm looking for so everyone knows it's not biased.
And I'm buying them cuz I want to Cap........oh yeah and cuz this is one hell of a ship yer piloting here.....brings alot of pleasure to a great many people.
You are THEE man Cap.
Thanks again
Cap , I will be getting a couple after I get back from Vacation. I still have not gotten the newest one, so that will be one on my list. That will take 3-4 off your hands
Cap, Im already lookin like PeeWee, Half my clothes are shirts, ( I have a small closet) But Im thinkin about two or three more myself, just waiting for the money to come in.

You know thay will all be sold
I am up for a couple White and a couple black...2smalls For the little wench, two large for me...

Thanks, Cap'n.

Oh yeah how's the Homestead?
Cap, I'll order two of the original white ones in large when I get back from vacation.

Cache, that's the funniest pic I've seen...
And of course the fastest color!
Women think I look sexy in my new black ones. I had Ninja Eater embroidered on the front. So based on there likes I am sure I will be ordering a few more. Hmmm as a matter of fact I think I know a few women that may need new night shirts.
Its not about the money, its about looking like peewee herman and wearing the same shirt every day from now on.

Why? Do they have a stain on the front??? :p (yeah I know it's an old post lol)