Years ago, I used to use this product on my integra: Oil drain valve
Sure made oil changes a lot easier. I just e-mailed them to see if they've ever heard of anyone using this product on a Busa and I'll post their reply if they send one.
In the meantime, has anyone here had any experience with this product? I'm a little concerned, looking at the picture of it, that it's a little too large to fit into the well where the stock drain plug goes.
Sure made oil changes a lot easier. I just e-mailed them to see if they've ever heard of anyone using this product on a Busa and I'll post their reply if they send one.
In the meantime, has anyone here had any experience with this product? I'm a little concerned, looking at the picture of it, that it's a little too large to fit into the well where the stock drain plug goes.