Just got me a Busa

just remeber to be carful with the right wrist.

oh yeah, welcome and.....

Ok... For one, as a gearhead for almost 20 yrs, it pains me to own a vehicle and not know a damn thing about it. How and where can I check the oil? How otften do I need to adjust the chain? How often do I need to change the oil? I need /want to do most/if not all of this myself..... I know that I won't be able to do it all, but what I can do, will be great. I haven't been specific in what I was asking, but now... The riding part is great. My father in law has had a bike for 30 years and is teaching me all I want. Anywho, I'll be back for more soon... Again, thanks to all
And for another thing.... How do I post and/or upload pics?

if your uploading from ur computer. look for the "Go Advanced" box in the lower right corner where you post at. a seperate menu will come up and you will see a bunch of different icons. move the mouse to the paper clip and click it. that will let you upload a pic

2007 busa.jpg
Welcome :cheerleader:
Take it easy on the throttle until you get used to the power, it's hard to do, but for the best.
Definitely recommend the basic MSF couse if you've been off a bike for a while, helps a ton
Be mindful of the weight, it is a heavy bike, but hard to tell until you start leaning it

Be safe and don't be in a hurry to test the bike