Jet Li's first bodybuilding show

Dang Tom....

You have really let yourself go man!

JK bro, all I can say is.... DAAAAAAYUM!
nice work bro...congrats on the progress
Two words...banana hammock

Kidding, look great! Hope the competition was worth all the hard work. A guy used to work here was a body builder, so watching just how much he put in to not only the work out routines, but the diet was just nuts and took far more effort than I'm willing to put in to anything

Thanks Michell.

Yeah, the diet was MUCH harder than the workouts to me. But it was such a rush being on stage and I am hooked now.

See ya at the Bash, please try not to run me over you speed demon you.
The guy that worked here lived off of canned tuna and chicken, protein shakes and water...I would get so sick of that after just one day, so watching him eat it for weeks on end
Definite level of discipline there that I'll never have

I'm sensing some blastage from you right now...
I can speed, I just choose not too

See you in a few days...
I lived on chicken, fish, broccli, and salad for the last 4 weeks. It did get very boring. I had to go through my kitchen and throw out all my fav items like ice cream, cookies, cake, etc... chocolate. The last week I would just look in the pantry hoping for a morsel of something I might of missed. It was sad......



I gotta a body like that, just hidden under some extra meat.


Seriously, Not sure how you do it. I am in the gym every day but I don't have the level of dedication it takes to get to your level.

Nice work, hope it pays off for you.

Eating right, is the BIGGEST part for me, because I have a turbo charged metabolism.

I thought I was eating enough, until I found out just how much I really need to eat, it is to the point that eating becomes a chore.
When I was trying to put on mass, I HATED having to eat so much. I am 6'2" @ 245lbs with about 14% BF. 1 gram of protein for every every lb of body mass is a lot of damn food.

I feel you, man.

I wish I was 6'2", man you must be a beast at 245...and shredded!
Dang Tom....

You have really let yourself go man!

JK bro, all I can say is.... DAAAAAAYUM!
Hey buddy, thanks.

I will be headed down your way May 31 for the show there in Mobile (THE NPC Steel World). Any suggestions on the best place to stay?
When I saw the topic header "Jet Li's first bodybuilding show" I was thinking WHAT? That tiny little asian guy got into bodybuilding too??? Then I remembered there was another Li in here......and the wait, what all made sense.

I'm not real keen on the nut huggers, but kudo's on the build dude. Keep it up!
When I saw the topic header "Jet Li's first bodybuilding show" I was thinking WHAT? That tiny little asian guy got into bodybuilding too??? Then I remembered there was another Li in here......and the wait, what all made sense.

I'm not real keen on the nut huggers, but kudo's on the build dude. Keep it up!
Thanks, Ken.

Ya know, I am not too fond of the nut hugger either. They are very constricting, enough said.

BUt everyone else has to wear them too!
When I saw the topic header "Jet Li's first bodybuilding show" I was thinking WHAT? That tiny little asian guy got into bodybuilding too??? Then I remembered there was another Li in here......and the wait, what all made sense.

I'm not real keen on the nut huggers, but kudo's on the build dude. Keep it up!  
you know I thought the same thing Ken



good lord man, you're cut
do you ever need to wear gear while ridin?
if ya go down, you'd probably hurt the road