Bodybuilding/weightlifting is great. I have read and bought a ton of stuff from there. It takes patients and for me nutrition is the most difficult part. Met rx makes some joint supplement that works well. Its just a glucosomine chondritin with msm cocktail that includes some fish oils. I recommend it once you start lifting heavy. Good Luck
Also follow Jinkster's advice... Joints wear and tear and do not get fixed like muscle. So know honest with yourself and do things carefully. It takes a long time to heal from Gym injuries!!!!

Your tendins never heal back to their original strength either. Your body uses a weaker tissue for repairs. So dont do alot of heavy lifting (less than 5 reps) It's alright to heavy lift every now and then just NOT every time. is great. I have read and bought a ton of stuff from there. It takes patients and for me nutrition is the most difficult part. Met rx makes some joint supplement that works well. Its just a glucosomine chondritin with msm cocktail that includes some fish oils. I recommend it once you start lifting heavy. Good Luck

I buy the generic from Meijer. I can usually find it buy one get one free. Extra Strength. Take plenty of water and it goes good with vit. C. which also promotes fluid in joints.
I lost 25 lbs in just 2-1/2 months. Most is willpower to change your diet to better (clean/lean) eating. I do a variety of pushups, dumbells, crunches and some treadmill.
I live on lotsa fruits/vegtables, tunafish outta the can, chicken saled on 12 grain wheat bread. and lotsa water. I do cheat here and there, but I have a very much leaner and cut body.
It's funny cause I get lots of stares from both men and women...
regarding supplements, i would recommend a GOOD multivitamin. i have been taking DX-7 from for about a month and it is a very good multivitamin for athletes and bodybuilding. i also take an extra 50 mg every day of zinc, ive heard it helps in naturally developing testosterone in the body. i also take lipoflame from for energy before lifting and midday to keep me from crashing. this stuff will get you sweating big time. it has some natural stimulants in it, but alot less harsh than stacker and hydroxycut...i love it and am about to order some more. it really keeps up the intensity of my workouts, when i was crashing about 1/2 way thru my workouts before.
I lost 25 lbs in just 2-1/2 months. Most is willpower to change your diet to better (clean/lean) eating. I do a variety of pushups, dumbells, crunches and some treadmill.
I live on lotsa fruits/vegtables, tunafish outta the can, chicken saled on 12 grain wheat bread. and lotsa water. I do cheat here and there, but I have a very much leaner and cut body.
It's funny cause I get lots of stares from both men and women...

You have incredible will power.:thumbsup:
You have incredible will power.:thumbsup:

Honestly, we all have incredible willpower. You just have to want it. Once you see results, and people make comments on how good you look, it keeps you going. I never ever want to put that 25 LBS. back on. After 4 months, I still have the 25 lbs off.
Unless you are into real competitave bodybuilding, anyone can do it.
Well Ill be the youngster to chime in on this one. Im 21 and have been lifting since 17 or 18, First 4 months I put 55lbs on my bench press and gained 15lbs of muscle, who'da thought. Im now 140 at 5'6" and am just maintaining what I have now, with a max bench of 290lbs I think Im in a pretty good spot..

My suggestions to add would be to get some Fish Oil pills and Triflex from any GNC or other dietary supplement store, they are EXCELLENT for joint health and seemed to be real good for recovery too. I know that I am half your guys' age with much less experience:rofl: but I lift double my weight during many exercises and already know what it's like to have joint pain, especially in the knees, which is why I almost never work the legs.. but yea, that's my 2 cents.
I am already a big guy and attend the gym regulary, I would like to get more toned and have heard lighter weight and more reps is the key. I have been trying this out lately but it seems like I'm losing strength when I try to lift heavier weight I could lift/bench before. Also sometimes it seems like I'm just going through the motions, and lack motivation. I really need more dicpline. Can anyone recommend a pre workout supplement that actually works, I usually go after a full day of work and go in a little tired. I honestly don't eat like I should and this probally aids to my fatigue. I know this will take time and dicipline, but I am open to ideas.
I take N-O xplode. It works. You should wake up early enough 2 take it and hit the gym. Eat then go 2 work. Get an ipod with the musiq that pumps you up and get to it. Drink alotta water. If I do not take the N o xplode i just have a cup of coffee. High reps works. I do 15-25 reps for my bi's and 20-30 reps for tri's. 20 reps for squats. I mix it up and go heavy every other week or so but goin 2 heavy tears up your joints and i cant afford an injury.
good luck
i use a pre-work out supplement call 17-hydroxymesterone made by IDS.... its the generic version of 17-HD.... its a wild yam extract that works similar to an anabolic steroid but yet it is still all natural and not illegal. i usually take it 30 mins prior to working out. the stuff is amazing!!! your energy in the gym increases by 100% and afteryou have completed your entire workout you are ready to go for a second round!!

if you are looking for a good place to get supplements, i order everything from you will pay almost 50% less ordering from them than you would if you were to go to GNC.

another good pre-work out supplement is the N.O.-xplode and a good post workout supplement is Cellmass. both products are made by BSN.
Thanks for the info guys, I will definately look into these optipons. I used to be able to go to the gym before work as I only lived about 2 miles away. I now live pretty far from work and the nearest gym so it is almost impossible to go before work. I would literally have to get up around 3:30 or 4:00 a.m. . The gym is right down the street from my job, but lately has been going through some renovations and there is no designated spot to park the bikes. I've recently been going to one of the newer gyms as it is better equipped.

As much as I love riding my bike, sometimes it's more conveint to drive my car to the gym.
You'd be surprized what you can do at home by improvising and a few dumbells. Some of the best crunches only require a couch and a floor....