Jet Li's first bodybuilding show

Good job bro! I have a shot floating around the org. here somewhere
The farthest I could get down to was 9% but that was just for a fitness contest for a Sylvester Stalone contest. You've done a great job on your rear delts. Traps are pretty good too, but you cant see all that well except in the transition shot.
I had a huge set back when I got tendinitis in both elbows
Did you flood your system with extra salt and watery foods about 5 days out. and then a couple days out drop all salt and eat diaretic foods (like english cucumbers) to shock the sys. to dry out fast. then the day of NO WATER AT ALL?
I never got any pro. help or training. All I learned was from books and magazines.

Are you planning on progressing to other classes? You look good man. Keep up the good work

I loaded water the Monday through Thursday (2 gal/day) then Friday 1 gal until 4pm then zero water until after the show Saturday. I think I will try what you described, salt loading for the next show because I had a rough time shedding the water in time.

I absolutely plan on progressing. Hope to hit the light heavy class at around 195 eventually. I was at 188 and only dieted down to 180.8 for the show.

Sorry to hear about the tendinitis, I have had to deal with that once for over 4 months. Really sucks.
I take glucosamie chondroiton tabs everyday now for the rest of my life to avoid it again. Once you get it your tendens are never as strong again
"4 months" you got lucky! I had it for over 8 months. That was partially my fault cause I pushed em' too hard after it started making it even worse. I know you obviously dont need any preaching but protect those tendens
Bro, I am far from not needing any help or advice. I always welcome advice or critique especially from those that are knowledgeable from first hand experience such as yourself!

Man, I aint all that knowledgable. You have good proportion so you dont need any lifting advice. I'm not sure of your training routine but some golden advice you may already know is, if you do heavy lifting (under 6 reps) make sure you balance with some 10-12 rep. w/o's. Continuous heavy lifting is brutal on tendens. Nutrition advice, I hardly think you need that.
When your cuttin up if you run, keep heart rate under 60% (thats where you'll be less catabolic). If you can talk while jogging than your ok. But again you probably know that too.
These are just a couple of the uncommon gems I've learned about.

Good luck.

Man, I aint all that knowledgable. You have good proportion so you dont need any lifting advice. I'm not sure of your training routine but some golden advice you may already know is, if you do heavy lifting (under 6 reps) make sure you balance with some 10-12 rep. w/o's. Continuous heavy lifting is brutal on tendens. Nutrition advice, I hardly think you need that.
When your cuttin up if you run, keep heart rate under 60% (thats where you'll be less catabolic). If you can talk while jogging than your ok. But again you probably know that too.
These are just a couple of the uncommon gems I've learned about.

Good luck.
I used to lift like a power lifter but for the last 1.5 years have been doing sets in the range of 12 to 20 reps with a much more moderate weight. Like on incline bench I used to get 3 sets with 270 for 3 to 5 reps now I only use 240 max for no less than 10 reps. I always ramp up to the highest weight taking 3 to 4 minute rest intervals between sets then on the way down the pyramid it is back to back sets with the only rest being when I spot my partner for his set. LIke to get a couple of forced reps say 5 at least on the last 2 sets of each movement.

Man, I aint all that knowledgable. You have good proportion so you dont need any lifting advice. I'm not sure of your training routine but some golden advice you may already know is, if you do heavy lifting (under 6 reps) make sure you balance with some 10-12 rep. w/o's. Continuous heavy lifting is brutal on tendens. Nutrition advice, I hardly think you need that.
 When your cuttin up if you run, keep heart rate under 60% (thats where you'll be less catabolic). If you can talk while jogging than your ok. But again you probably know that too.
 These are just a couple of the uncommon gems I've learned about.

Good luck.  
I used to lift like a power lifter but for the last 1.5 years have been doing sets in the range of 12 to 20 reps with a much more moderate weight. Like on incline bench I used to get 3 sets with 270 for 3 to 5 reps now I only use 240 max for no less than 10 reps. I always ramp up to the highest weight taking 3 to 4 minute rest intervals between sets then on the way down the pyramid it is back to back sets with the only rest being when I spot my partner for his set. LIke to get a couple of forced reps say 5 at least on the last 2 sets of each movement.
This is EXACTLY what I do. It's much better on joints too. I'm in my thirties now and things dont heal like thay use too


Man, I aint all that knowledgable. You have good proportion so you dont need any lifting advice. I'm not sure of your training routine but some golden advice you may already know is, if you do heavy lifting (under 6 reps) make sure you balance with some 10-12 rep. w/o's. Continuous heavy lifting is brutal on tendens. Nutrition advice, I hardly think you need that.
When your cuttin up if you run, keep heart rate under 60% (thats where you'll be less catabolic). If you can talk while jogging than your ok. But again you probably know that too.
These are just a couple of the uncommon gems I've learned about.

Good luck.
I used to lift like a power lifter but for the last 1.5 years have been doing sets in the range of 12 to 20 reps with a much more moderate weight. Like on incline bench I used to get 3 sets with 270 for 3 to 5 reps now I only use 240 max for no less than 10 reps. I always ramp up to the highest weight taking 3 to 4 minute rest intervals between sets then on the way down the pyramid it is back to back sets with the only rest being when I spot my partner for his set. LIke to get a couple of forced reps say 5 at least on the last 2 sets of each movement.
This is EXACTLY what I do. It's much better on joints too. I'm in my thirties now and things dont heal like thay use too
You lucky Dog you.

I will be 41 in August. But I don't feel old yet.


Looks great man.
Thats a tuff racket to be on top. Lotsa commitment, and it aint easy trimmng fat down for a contest.
Man, I aint all that knowledgable. You have good proportion so you dont need any lifting advice. I'm not sure of your training routine but some golden advice you may already know is, if you do heavy lifting (under 6 reps) make sure you balance with some 10-12 rep. w/o's. Continuous heavy lifting is brutal on tendens. Nutrition advice, I hardly think you need that.
 When your cuttin up if you run, keep heart rate under 60% (thats where you'll be less catabolic). If you can talk while jogging than your ok. But again you probably know that too.
 These are just a couple of the uncommon gems I've learned about.

Good luck.  
I used to lift like a power lifter but for the last 1.5 years have been doing sets in the range of 12 to 20 reps with a much more moderate weight. Like on incline bench I used to get 3 sets with 270 for 3 to 5 reps now I only use 240 max for no less than 10 reps. I always ramp up to the highest weight taking 3 to 4 minute rest intervals between sets then on the way down the pyramid it is back to back sets with the only rest being when I spot my partner for his set. LIke to get a couple of forced reps say 5 at least on the last 2 sets of each movement.
This is EXACTLY what I do. It's much better on joints too. I'm in my thirties now and things dont heal like thay use too
You lucky Dog you.

I will be 41 in August. But I don't feel old yet.  
I know what you mean about gravings. I LOVE food. After my one and only competition which was only a photo thing. I took a little break. I managed to put about 15 pounds of fat on. After the bash I've promised myself to get back at it again. I have a full gym complete with two mirror walls in my basement but my biggest problem is motivation. Without a partner to push me I end up bored and slack on final reps. Sure I have convenience but there is ALOT I'm missing by not going to a gym with spotters and motivators. When you go to the gym you know your there for one reason and there is no distraction from kids, wife, phone calls, and the opportunity to call it quits is as easy as taking the gloves off. I too have quit the power lifting phase. My benching use to be the pyramid. My max was around 395 when my tend. did their thing. Now I've lost alot from that 8 mo. I had to almost quit pushing exercises. I'm just now getting back into it. All I'm good for now is sets of 10-12 of 225#.

You've helped motivate me to get more serious about it again. For that, a BIG thank you

See you at the bash, Tom.




Motivation at 50:

23 year old shows up at front door... tells me if I can catch her..... and we are off and running.... when I finally grow too tired to chase her any farther... some old bag walks up and says " If I can catch you...." and I am off and running again with all new incentive....