Interesting craigslist HAYABUSA finds...

Custom Handmade Hayabusa Backrest - $300 (Lewisburg)
I really admire this guy!! Inspirational too bad he is selling.
He's a member here and I thought that was the most awesome thing I have read on the org

Tet, Dopey is correct. He's member @dewie. His real name is Duane. One heck of a nice guy. Him and I became friends a long while ago. He has his heart set on seeing his custom Busa end up in the hands a wounded Canadian Vet. I've been reaching out on his behalf and the other day met a Canadian Vet who rides with ex military and police who is checking into somethings for me,trying to procure some leads. Covid etc,is slowing things up. But I/we are still trying to make something happen. I talked to him a while ago and he is getting out of motorcycling all together. Which is a shame as you mentioned,but is a personal choice for him at this time.
Super nice guy,beautiful family,ultra strong and caring wife.
I'm doing my best, :confused: but no solid leads yet,in the qwest for the right buyer. :banghead:
