I just lost another friend to cancer


Dont Call Me "MeeMaw"
Donating Member
She was my off-beat, quirky friend who understood my unusual sense of humor. She had parrots and always had a bunch of books she was reading at once so we always had loads of stuff to talk about. She and I had very similar beliefs so we'd often vent to each other about how we were misunderstood.

She was diagnosed with breast cancer in late March (only 18 months from her last mammogram that had showed no indication of cancer). In less than 18 months, not only was the tumor large enough to see, it has spread to her skull. During all of the tests, they found a second primary cancer in her lungs that had spread to her adrenal gland.

Less than a week ago, her doctor recommended ending treatment since it wasn't helping. As of yesterday, she was given 24 hr hospice care.

She will be greatly missed and the world's a little darker without her.
I'm so sorry to hear that Di. Hugs to you and your friend's family. That's so sad :down:
very sad indeed my thought and prayers go out to you and her family
Especially poignant at these times.

Peace, finally to her...and to you and her family and other friends.

Tough times; sorry, Di.
Thanks everyone. I knew you all would be there for support.

I used to say that I want to go a year without a friend/family member being diagnosed or dying from cancer. I've changed that to 6 months.
Lost my mom to pancreatic cancer and my sister-in-law to breast cancer within the space of 1 yr. My thoughts and prayers are with your friend, all her friends and family. Hospice does a wonderful job and they are all truly angels of mercy in working with victims of this insideous disease. We can only hope that medical science will someday find a way to offer a cure.
I'm so sorry to hear, Di. :down: Thoughts and prayers out to you and all her family and friends :please:
Thanks everyone. I knew you all would be there for support.

I used to say that I want to go a year without a friend/family member being diagnosed or dying from cancer. I've changed that to 6 months.

You know, I feel the same anymore and I can't even comprehend all you've been through yourself. There was that time in life when cancer didn't affect ANYONE I know, and in recent years, I've lost my step-father to it, Kevin (vman) and now my Dad has his own battle. It's a horrible, painful connection most seem to have now :down:

Stay strong Di...I know this is tough, but you know your choices in life and to keep going is all we really have control over. {{hugs}}
(((hugs))) I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. She sounds like a wonderful person and those who don't know her are missing something special. My thoughts and prayers are with your friend, her family, friends and you!
I'm terribly sorry for you loss Di :(

My thoughts and prayers are with you, your friend and family.
I am very sorry Diana, I lost my Grandmother to cancer, once they found it it spread like wild fire. You have my sincerest condolences, sending prayers to the family. My apologies for not seeing this earlier.