Helmet Visor


I swear... I can not get out of my neighborhood without smacking a huge bug right on my visor. anyone else have this problem?
I use this to clean my helmet/visor, helps a lot in wiping off road crap

I swear... I can not get out of my neighborhood without smacking a huge bug right on my visor. anyone else have this problem?

Not only do I get a major bug right away, every time, but it ALWAYS hits my visor directly in the line of sight of my dominant eye.
I swear... I can not get out of my neighborhood without smacking a huge bug right on my visor. anyone else have this problem?

I don't know why, but this reminded me of a trip last year. I did a complete write-up, but here's a short clip. I thought it was pretty funny... sitting back there on my bike, hiding behind a Laminar Lip...

I mentioned to Kevin that we should carry clear visors, and we swapped them out for the dark tint lenses in McDermitt. The evening is a great time to ride. I love to look to the side and see the tall shadow of me on my horse. At the last moment before sunset, the shadow seems to reach out forever. Cool evening air can mean bugs, even in the desert. The top of my windshield was getting pretty thick with bug paste, and so was Kevin’s helmet visor. He admitted later that it was so thick he would turn his head to the right or left hoping to see out a clear spot toward the side of the visor. For safety reasons, we don’t normally ride in the dark, but it had been dark a half hour before we pulled into Winnemucca. Kevin followed the signs to an off the beaten path motel on a side street a few blocks from the “stripâ€￾. I wasn’t hopeful, but it was one of the better $57 motels we’ve ever had. We got a newly updated room and nice folks behind the counter.
Just a fact of life I guess. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Just think about how many zillion more bugs would exist if it where not for Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, And Semi's to name a few.

Driving/Riding at night is the worst. They head right for the headlights, but somehow miss them and hit the windshield or helmet visor.

I know more States then not now have no helmet law. Think about all the bugs in a helmetless riders face.
I would rather them hit my visor.:laugh::laugh::laugh:
I have the same problem. I am surrounded by a bunch of dairy farms, so unless it's raining i usually pick up a lot of hitchhikers:laugh: O well...
You have a full face? You don't have a bug problem, I would say it's inconvenient.

Wear 1 of these th_skullcapblackcherry_77.JPG

Then you can say you have a problem. When I ride with my cruiser buddies and see what they go through with the bugs pelting them in the face, staining their shirts and even pelting them on the hand so hard they have to let go of the bars to shake off the pain. I am glad I am in a full face, jacket and gloves cause I am usually laughing under the lid. Some bugs have hit my shield so hard that I thought it was cracked from the impact so I know if that had been face it would have hurt like hell:laugh:

My other/first bike was a Harley and I wore the old brain bucket. Nothing sucks more than catching a bug on the nose. The heritage did have a windshield tho...kinda helped.