Good people and the Busa


What is it about that draws so many genuinely good people to it? I have been on many different forums, for several different regions and types of bikes, and none keep drawing me back like this one. Oh, sure. I occasionally go back to a few of the other sites to see what is going on, but I'm more like an addict with this place. I twitch when I can't login and see what is happening, unless I'm out riding.

Do I need an intervention? :rofl:

What is it about that draws so many genuinely good people to it? I have been on many different forums, for several different regions and types of bikes, and none keep drawing me back like this one. Oh, sure. I occasionally go back to a few of the other sites to see what is going on, but I'm more like an addict with this place. I twitch when I can't login and see what is happening, unless I'm out riding.

Do I need an intervention? :rofl:


Abso freakin lutely! I am the same way. Even when I go over to my parents,...I escape upstairs to their 'puter for a few and log on.
You get my....fix :laugh:

" name is Brian ....and I'm an orgoholic"


Time after time I try to explain my org sickness to a new woman i'm interested in. Despite my invitations to them to join j check it out they are hesitant......sadly they don't know how good the org can be for their lives
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Honest.... I don't know their real name.... we met on the internet...:rofl:
I troll more than post, but I log on even before I check e-mail..and the site is usually in open in 2 tabs or more at any time
unless someone has sopent 5 minutes at the org, they'll never understand. Its odd that I feel so whole heartedly that some of my best friends are on the org yet i've never met them
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That's the truth redkat. Being on here helps me escape the madness around here sometimes. It's good to know that there are people on here all over the world that you can talk to about anything at any time.
case in point, the absolute INSANITY i was goin through when I found out my fiance' was cheatin on me back in '06. i can honestly say, with holy god as my witness, I couldn't have survived that ordeal without my brothers here on the org
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I have tried on several occassions to explain to people about "that website I'm on, all the time". I tell them about the MnG's the donations, the parts - the attitudes... they don't believe me. It is difficult to explain to someone who isn't on here and sees what happens... this place is awesome.
HOMEPAGE!!! But I can quit when ever i want to ....... I just don't want to that's all hehe :laugh:
I get people asking, all the time, do I ride with a club. I tell them I ride with the "O"-"R"-"G"....they usually ask how big are they....oh about 27,000 registered members worldwide.....and they ALL ride the Hayabusa :oldcool:

It's funny but when I travel I carry a 12" Mac Laptop....everywhere I go the first thing I usually do is check the org and see if I missed something....:whistle:
If my computer ever crashes I'm in deep trouble cause I don't even remember my log in credentials, I stay logged in all the time. This is the first place I come to when I wake up.