gixxer 1000 forum?


well fellas i have been on this site for a very long time now just as with LS1TECH, and i am really hoping that you guys would consider opening a section for the 1k!! yes busa is king but the 1k is a strong lil bro.
back in the day LS1TECK was all about vette's ta's, and camero's. when ford came out with the killer cobra and those car's were finally eating up ls1's they opened up the doors for a worty race mate. can we do the same a lot of people have a busa and a 1k, pls give it serious consideration.
The only darn gixxer forum I can find is the alias squid for a day. Truthfully, not a lot of helpful information on that site. Seems like a few of us busa riders are adding the Gix to complement our riding. I figure I should be able to get better information here than on the other site on the 1K even if it trickles in from those who have them.
Get yer own forum! You don't see us on begging to be treated special do you?

This is son!
I dont see teh need for a specal section...if you have a question ask it what would be the point of having a gsxr section
Cache just got this place running good. I don't see the need to add anymore to it. Apparently the people on the gixxer site aren't people we would want here either and they would eventually migrate over. There are several forums out there. Of course you can always start one up yourself.
I would support it.

It may be true that there are more than one other site out there, though the one I checked out was definitely SQUID central. There does seem to be quite a few people here interested in the little-fellas as a second bike.

Another thing to think about, if the usage of this site is increased, Cache could possibly CASH in on additional sponsors, such as Suzuki America.  They do advertise on the web.

Also, you should not worry about undesirables migrating to this site.  for one, most do not possess the intellect to take part in most of the threads on this board.  Second, we can just turn Mr. Side-Down loose on the Bastids.......

That is my opinion, even though it don’t mean shid….

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I'm buying a K5...but dont really see a necessity to have a gixxer part on the forum. Most og the doubts I have had about pretty much any bike other than the busa have been answered in the general bike related topics itself!!

Most of the busa owners have either owned or ridden a variety of different bike. SOme ofthme still continue to have multiple bikes in their stable... so the knowledge base canbe tapped within the General Bikerelated topics itself!!

Just my Thought
Trade in your liter for a Busa. That way you won't have to ask for a special section anymore. Sounds reasonable right? Good! Now get to it Skippy ...  
poke.gif has a dedicated literbike section, I see no problem with something similar here. If we can provide non-squiddly info. to our little brothers, we should do so. My .02
maybe not a whole forum, but just ONE small posting section for 1k owning Busa owners, sort of a side interest like: turbo, 1/4 mile, touring, etc. it is an interesting Idea and worth a test. I doubt it would get very big if buried on the bottom and the name for the site. besides, more people means more clicks/views on ads and more potential income
i dont know i see a lot of senseless arguments spuring from this...hey why dont we just have a kawasaki section too