Giving credit where credit is due

Kevin is one of the sweetest guys I know! He and a select few barely let me lift a finger at the last Spring bash. A gentlemen all the way!!

Except when he forgets to call!! :rulez: :whistle: :laugh:
Giving feels so much better then receiving. We should all try and help each other out a little more in life.
I can attest first hand what a wonderful person Kevin is. He's kind, generous, selfless, and he's all MINE! :inlove:
Thanks Mike, but I have to admit that I disagree with the things being said about me. I am VERY SEXY in a tux.:poke:

But really, I am just giving and paying it forward. Besides this is all Captain's fault. He sowed his oats and this family is the result.
We may not ALL get along all the time. Family is like that, but when someone is in need WE come through. If you need parts, knowledge or even just an ear to bend. Someone is always here and willing to step up.
I can not even start to name names of those who have helped me. Lycan, Sambusa, The Grumpy's, VAB's, Omslaw, Bogus, RacerV, Acehole (he really isn't), LEO, Scar, LuvMyBusa, Dan, HRHDi, BoB and Randy (what ever his name is this year), BusaJules and DocDrop, Lavinrac, 00TXBusa (Mike) and Shannon and countless others.

Besides all this is, is my way of bribing the LEO so I don't get a ticket.:whistle:

This is the best family that is all there is to it
I know a few:whistle:people like that as well, probably about 12 of them.....guys u know who you are...thanks so much