Elon Musk’s power


Donating Member
541,562,214 StarLink users record achievement today.

Although I’m only 3 miles out of town, on acreage, there is really no other alternative for fast reliable internet service where I am. The cable guys want $27,000 to connect to my house.

So I am a Starlink user, at average 200mbs.

If everyone pays what I pay, his revenue for this is around $65 Billion a month plus.

Think about the hidden power of this:

If he launches a mobile phone tomorrow, everyone who is a subscriber will have full global data access at relatively high speed, mobile anywhere on the globe.

If he allows all Tesla’s to connect, he immediately offers an advantage to any Tesla owner, compared to the competition.

If he so desires, or sells it to the US Government, (won’t ever happen) there is the possibility to bypass all the public censorship in countries who are our adversaries and send them propaganda. All the user will need is a Tesla phone.

The guy has basically created a worldwide efficient high speed communication system, which can be carried in a suitcase and works anywhere.

Because of low orbit, he has less lag than any satellite competitor.

There is now a spin-off called Starshield, available to a military focused branch, to increase security measures.

Although that has never been the intention, the system can be weaponized in a heartbeat.

The guy is well on his way to transform global connectivity and data transfer.

Will be interesting to see how long he is allowed free flight, before the government clips his wings.