
I was walking into the building I work in this morning, had my helmet sitting on top of my head as I was taking my jacket off and made the mistake of leaning back too far and
my lid starts sliding off the back of head while my arms were half way out of my jacket sleeves.
There was that sick sound of it hitting the floor from a 6 ft drop. Do you guys think it's ok? First time i've ever dropped one from that height. Luckily it was on carpet instead of concrete but still. It's a Hayabusa RF-1000 that I paid $500 for so i'm pretty sick right now.
I would have a hard time throwing that out after one drop like that... but I think that is what you are supposed to do.  Replace it.

Actually how thick was the carpet? If it was the real plush stuff, you are probably fine.
Not plush at all, just regular old office building carpet. Nothing like what you would have in your house.
THAT really hurts!

I doubt that the impact compromised the shell or liner. If you were WEARING it and tripped/fell, and smacked your lid, that would be a different story.

Maybe give it a good visual inspection, and check the visor mounting hardware and vents, and check for any cracks.

I think you are actually lucky. I normally knock my helmets off the seat when I'm gearing up, or removing my gear. Guaranteed to ruin your day.
I'm fairly sure it would easily survive that. If in doubt, send it to Shoei and have them inspect it.
It looks ok so i'm rolling with it. Your responses make me feel much better about it though. Thanks!
mannn i'd be sic too. i personally baby my lid for the reason i don't want it falling to the ground. i never place it on my seat or handle bar ends, always on the helmet lock, floor if i'm by the bike, or carry it. i never wear my lid half way on my head because i dont want a headache from the snug fit, or stretching out the fit over time.

good idea to send it to shoei to have it checked out.

i'm 50/50 on scrappin' or savin'.
Can someone enlighten me, I never understood why dropping a helmet would make it unsafe to use? Even if it cracked a bit on the shell,isn't the important thing that the Styrofoam innards are intact, isn't that the part of the helmet that is absorbing the shock during a crash. Just curios.
Inspect helmet paint, it is is not cracked in circles around impact point that you will be fine.

Manufactures will tell you to replace it.. after all that`s how they make their money.
If your really worried you can always bring it to a hospital and have it xray'd. A buddy of mine did that once think it cost him like 50.00 bucks.
It's fine. Wear it. Ever have someone walk up and smack the top of your helmet? Same deal, you lid'd fine as long as the finsh didn't crack.
If it couldn't survive that, would you want it on your head in the first place? It's a $500 helmet, whats it made for?
Exactly, it's just that i've heard so many stories/rumors that even the slightest jolt can reduce the protection that i'm paranoid. Even though it goes against logic like you just said.
All my helmets have dings in the paint except for my new Shoei X-11 which is still in the box. LOL
