Ok here is what I am doing, I am out about $2,000 for the last shirt order and my wife has supportingly advised me that her new dining room table and living room set is not going to suffer because I ordered a couple hundred shirts to have in stock for this website. Fellas what this means is that the poor Cap has to take this loss until I recoup the money from the shirt sales. This means my new big screen gets put on hold. I figured up approximately how many shirts I need to sell to get my big screen back on track so that I can watch OU football with Dustin in my new house. I need to sell 150 shirts to pull this TV thing off and I am going to use this topic as a place to keep you all advised of where I stand on this project. I do not want charity from anyone, just you folks out there in Busaville that have been putting off getting your shirt, this is the time, the Captain needs a big screen. If you need a shirt order it, if you have a closet full like Ninja Eater and Jester then do not order a shirt just because you want to help, I don't want pity... I am pretty successful guys it's all about how much cash I want to be out of pocket for so don't think that this project is to get me a heart transplant or anything, just a way to maybe have a group project that we can rally around and have some fun with........ OK so here we go starting with 150 and counting down here we go. As I receive the orders I will post the new number.
Ok here is what I am doing, I am out about $2,000 for the last shirt order and my wife has supportingly advised me that her new dining room table and living room set is not going to suffer because I ordered a couple hundred shirts to have in stock for this website. Fellas what this means is that the poor Cap has to take this loss until I recoup the money from the shirt sales. This means my new big screen gets put on hold. I figured up approximately how many shirts I need to sell to get my big screen back on track so that I can watch OU football with Dustin in my new house. I need to sell 150 shirts to pull this TV thing off and I am going to use this topic as a place to keep you all advised of where I stand on this project. I do not want charity from anyone, just you folks out there in Busaville that have been putting off getting your shirt, this is the time, the Captain needs a big screen. If you need a shirt order it, if you have a closet full like Ninja Eater and Jester then do not order a shirt just because you want to help, I don't want pity... I am pretty successful guys it's all about how much cash I want to be out of pocket for so don't think that this project is to get me a heart transplant or anything, just a way to maybe have a group project that we can rally around and have some fun with........ OK so here we go starting with 150 and counting down here we go. As I receive the orders I will post the new number.