Big day tomorrow for the US

I certainly
hope so . . .

The fate of a nation hangs
in the balance of honest ,
reliable voting . . .

I align with the thought of no one world order or being sold out to China . A 39% tax on your home sale Biden would try to do . 300K home value = additional 9000 in taxes per year to the feds on top of your local taxes ! 47 years / 8 AS VP enough is a F^&*King enough . His VP pick is another great work who said last year she believed Biden was raciest / raspiest now there best buds !

Elite who have enriched themselves off the American people.
I align with the thought of no one world order or being sold out to China . A 39% tax on your home sale Biden would try to do . 300K home value = additional 9000 in taxes per year to the feds on top of your local taxes ! 47 years / 8 AS VP enough is a F^&*King enough . His VP pick is another great work who said last year she believed Biden was raciest / raspiest now there best buds !

Elite who have enriched themselves off the American people.
So you voted for Trump. Hummm. makes complete sense.
A 39% tax on your home sale Biden would try to do . 300K home value = additional 9000 in taxes per year to the feds on top of your local taxes ! 47 years / 8 AS VP enough is a F^&*King enough .

You left out a detail Bryan. The 37% tax (not 39%) applies to individuals with income over 1 million a year. Also, for for the rest of us, an exclusion of $250,000 would still apply according to Biden's plan, so for the bulk of us there would be little or no capital gains tax paid upon the sale of a home.
I like this guy.....

I know a couple black rednecks....if someone was burning a cross on their front yard, they'd probably go roast hot dogs over it...

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The whole system must be flawed if this is a thing to be in the vote must be pretty low.

Each state controls their own voting and can use different systems although many have unified the methods like with optical scanning. Plenty of areas are very good at what they do. For example, while highlighted greatly during COVID, some states have had mail-in voting for decades with no problems. On the other hand some voting precincts are a mess every single election. When they add a voting method, the first election they use it they tend to be completely disorganized. In a national election everyone has an interest in any problem in any voting precinct across the country. Thus just for the poorly performing exceptions trust is low and tempers can explode. The problems do not reflect the whole but are the squeaky wheel. You will never hear about the plentiful operations that go smoothly.

In Texas the drive-thru voting was setup in tents. The Trump administration sued and the judge agreed that the state law commands that voting must happen in a building. The judge made it clear that a "tent" is not a "building". The judge however took no action on a technicality that the challenge was too late. Could you create any more ambiguity than this did generate if you personally tried your hardest?

Unethical people are extremely familiar with this tactic. I can give you other examples such as plagiarism in the music industry, where a party intentionally and knowingly violates the law because the repercussions of getting caught are acceptable. In this case they set up an obviously illegal (obvious to anyone who read the state law before setting it up) voting mechanism knowing that one would have to challenge it in court and fight to stop it, but there would likely be no repercussions otherwise.

So while you would think that the voting system would be snow angel pure white, the fact is that people involved sometimes push it to egregious limits until they get caught.

We had a good number of precincts where Mitt Romney (R) did not get a single vote in 2012. Feel free to search the web you will actually find articles from many in our media writing that "dumb republicans do not understand why this happened, that people in the precincts just loved Obama so much."

If you spent any time in science or studying statistics you would know that situation is impossible, that having even one precinct without a single mistake on a vote is impossible, and blatantly corrupt. So not only does this happen, but plenty in the media, who are supposed to question corrupt government, actually support it.

Bad behavior continues on in a handful of cities, generally cities that have been corrupt for a half a century and continue to get more run down. I am in a different area from @c10 but see similar things to what he outlined.

The cases we have, you can practically predict them and pick them out on a map. It is "well-known" who is going to act bad. Control varies widely between the state, county, and local levels. I personally think that state and county officials by nature are quite transparent. But many cities consist of giant, sticky blobs of lifetime officials surrounded by their smelly, gooey nepotism machine. As long as they are there, they can generate these problems every single election. In each election one just hopes that said areas are not pivotal.

I certainly hope so...the fate of a nation hangs in the balance of honest, reliable voting

That is good and I think "reliability" is the biggest issue right now. But we have the worst-case scenario with many states that are being determined on a razor's edge and are thus automatically eligible for a recount. With the highest vote totals in history, that is painful and expensive and can drag on. As I write this Georgia has a separation of 1,097 votes. This is well within the error margin of most laboratory experiments. With no bad intent whatsoever, recounts could swing back and forth. That is bad for everyone who has a stake in this.
Sounds like he voted for America.
Since when does America consider anyone that doesn't agree with it's policies an idiot? Since when does America put it's own self interest above all else? Since when does America resort to delusional lying when courage and resolution are called for?
Donald Trump does not represent the character of this country in any way :redface:
If Trump wins, the children of the left will throw violent temper tantrums for the next four years.

If Biden wins, the adults of the right will just go to work and figure out how to win four years from now.
hayabuser was a prophet in reverse. Who's throwing the temper tantrum now? After a close loss in '16, 'the children" of the left began preparations to make a statement 4 years later, and what a statement they made.
4.7 million more votes for Biden and counting.
hayabuser was a prophet in reverse. Who's throwing the temper tantrum now? After a close loss in '16, 'the children" of the left began preparations to make a statement 4 years later, and what a statement they made.
4.7 million more votes for Biden and counting.

Guess I can't win them all. ;)
hayabuser was a prophet in reverse. Who's throwing the temper tantrum now? After a close loss in '16, 'the children" of the left began preparations to make a statement 4 years later, and what a statement they made.
4.7 million more votes for Biden and counting.
Wait for it.......his prophecy may yet come to pass. :popcorn: