Another Officer - On His Worst Behavior

Ignorance knows no skin color.

2000 whites on the floor and wouldn't have a problem? Who is he kidding? I know we don't have it all together.

The only time color should come into the equation is if they are blue, that means they are not breathing and need help.:laugh:
Wow. First, I guess we have broadened our scope here for many topics. Glad that we have become well rounded.

You know, we as African Americans know that the words this gentleman (officer) used he was staying this all in context. And we didnt hear the whole conversation. When a person says, F**K your money, etc, that usually means they are getting to a point. Like forget about the money, PVU, etc...lets focus on the matter of security. How can we look objectively at what happened to fix it so we dont have this problem again? This is where I was reading into this tape and the statement. There is reasonable doubt as to what he actually meant as to the statement. Since not all of the evidence was brought before us to decide on a reasonable verdict. It leads to speculation.

Remember: Fools rush in, where angels dare to tread.

I went to PVU also. I remember the time spent there well. All of my buildings are gone!