Another fellow rider gone...


Such a tragedy, I hadn't met him yet personally (just joined the new riding group a few weeks ago), but apparently when the group went out riding last weekend a car turned in front of him. The car driver was cited for failing to yield. He had been in critical condition all week, however he passed away today. His name was Mason Levine. Please keep the Levine family and the family of the car driver in your prayers.

This is the kind of thing that gets me rethinking whether or not to keep my bike. According to everyone that witnessed the accident he wasn't speeding. The car driver just made a fatal mistake.
RIP to Mason. Prayer to the family and driver.

This is why I tell everyone I know to get a headlight modulator on their bikes ASAP. HID's help, but NOBODY misses my headlight while it's blinking away as I ride down the road. I've seen cars mroe than two block away abruptly stop and wait until I go past them. I'm not sure if they think I'm an emergency vehicle, and frankly I don't care. What I do care about is that I haven't had even one close call for a vehicle pull out, or left turn, since I've been using a PathBlaser modulator. Not even one! Everyone sees me coming, If they can't they shouldn't be driving period.
Sorry to hear, prayers sent for his family.
Rest In Peace........

yet another cager caused fatality
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RIP rider...prayers sent for the friends and family
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